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OASIS Writing Skills

Video Transcripts:
Applying Feedback to Your Paper: Applying Feedback Principles

Transcripts for Writing Center videos

Applying Feedback to Your Paper: Applying Feedback Principles

Last update 3/27/2018


Visual: Walden logo at bottom of screen along with notepad and pencil background.

Audio: Guitar music.


Visual: “Walden University Writing Center. Your writing, grammar, and APA experts” appears in center of screen. Background changes to a laptop and notebook a person is writing in on a table with the title “Applying Feedback to Your Paper: Applying Feedback Principles.”

The screen changes to the following slide: Feedback Principles

Prepare à Scan à Walk à Reread & Ask à Prioritize

As the speaker discusses each word above, the word is highlighted.

Audio: Receiving feedback on our writing can be difficult for any writer. Our writing often reflects our thoughts, and so feedback on or criticism of our writing can initially feel very personal.

To help you approach writing feedback in a constructive way, follow these tips:

  1. Prepare by reminding yourself that you are not your writing and feedback is a part of learning. A calm mentality will help you read the feedback constructively, rather than personally.
  2. Scan all of the feedback, which can help take away any apprehension you might be feeling.
  3. Walk away from your paper, giving yourself time and distance to reflect on the feedback.
  4. Reread the feedback in more detail and ask the person who gave you the feedback if you have any questions.
  5. Prioritize which feedback you will apply to your writing first, making a plan for revisions that focuses on one type of revision at a time. This will help you successfully and thoroughly revise your writing.


Visual: Slide changes to the following: Applying Feedback Across Writing

The following phrases appear on top of an arrow as the speaker continues: Week 1 Assignment, Week 2 Assignment, Week 3 Assignment

Audio: It’s also important that you apply feedback across your writing. For example, let’s say you receive feedback on your APA formatting; you not only want to revise your current paper’s APA errors, you want to avoid making these errors in future papers too, applying the feedback to future weeks’ assignments.


Visual: Slide changes to the following: Revision Journal

Use a revision journal to keep track of the feedback you receive and how to revise the errors you commonly make.

Image: Screenshot of a sample revision journal.

Audio: One method to help you keep track of the feedback you receive across your writing assignments is a Revision Journal. In this journal, you can keep track of the feedback you receive and how to revise the errors you commonly make, consulting the Journal before submitting your assignments.

You can create your own Revision Journal, but we also welcome you to download our Revision Journal from our blog!


Visual: Slide changes to the following: Applying Feedback Across Writing

Watch one of our other applying feedback videos to learn how to apply specific kind of feedback.

Image: Screenshot of the Applying Feedback video playlist with the other topic-specific applying feedback videos.

Audio: Now that you know the general principles to applying writing feedback, be sure to watch one of our other applying feedback videos about how to apply specific kinds of feedback. You’ll learn specific strategies and see examples of how to apply specific kinds of feedback, which will help you put these principles into practice!


Visual: The video ends with the following message: Walden University Writing Center

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