myPASS: Making a Paper Review Appointment
Last update 6/21/2019
Visual: Walden logo at bottom of screen along with notepad and pencil background.
Audio: Guitar music.
Visual: “Walden University Writing Center. Your writing, grammar, and APA experts” appears in center of screen. Background changes to a laptop on a table and the title “myPASS Appointments: Making a Paper Review Appointment with the Writing Center.”
The screen changes to show the Graduate Coursework Schedule on the myPASS schedule.
Audio: Students can make up to two appointments per week. To make an appointment, choose an appointment date and the writing instructor you would like to work with, and then click on a corresponding open appointment, which will appear as a white box.
Visual: The speaker clicks on one of the white boxes, representing an open appointment time, and an appointment form appears in a new window on top of the myPASS schedule. The appointment form includes the time of the appointment, and places to add information about that specific appointment. As the speaker discusses each part of the appointment form, the speaker scrolls down the appointment form and that section is highlighted.
Audio: When you click on an open appointment, an appointment form will appear, which needs to be filled out and saved to reserve the appointment.
The appointment forms may vary slightly between our three schedules. Please fill out the appointment form to help us better understand your assignment, your writing goals, where you are in the writing process, what you would like your review to focus on, and any other information helpful for the writing instructor to know.
Students are expected to have read and understand the Writing Center’s paper review and myPASS policies before making an appointment. The policies are available on the Writing Center website, and they explain how our appointments work, deadlines for attaching your paper, documents we do and do not review, expectations for your appointment, and more.
We’ll now go through how to attach your paper, which you can do either immediately as you are making the appointment or later, if you are reserving your appointment ahead of time. If you choose not to attach your paper immediately, note that you will need to do so by 5:00 a.m. Eastern time the day of your appointment.
Visual: As the speaker explains how to attach a file to the appointment, she illustrates each step.
Audio: Select the “Choose File” button to browse your computer and select the file you want to attach. Note that there are file size limits to the document you can upload and writing instructors do not review PDF files or PowerPoints.
Visual: Pointer clicks on “Choose File” button in “Attach a File” window. A new window opens with documents listed in a file folder on the speaker’s computer. The speaker selects a file and clicks “Open”. The paper is now attached to the student’s appointment form.
Audio: Name your document in the “Document Title” field.
Visual: The speaker names the document “My discussion post” in the “Document Title” field. The speaker selects “Create Appointment” and the confirmation that the appointment was saved successfully is shown. The speaker scrolls down the appointment form to see the paper she attached.
Audio: When you have finished attaching your file, click ”Create Appointment” to reserve your appointment in the myPASS schedule. You will see a green notice at the top of the appointment form that says “The appointment was saved successfully.” The appointment will now appear as a yellow block on your myPASS schedule, indicating it is your appointment. You can review your appointment form at any time to confirm the information you submitted and the paper you attached (or attach a new or different paper).
Visual: The screen changes to return to the top of the myPASS schedule. As the speaker talks, she scrolls down to find her appointment and complete the steps she describes.
Audio: To edit or cancel your appointment, find your appointment in the myPASS schedule. To do so, scroll through the schedule or navigating to your name at the top left corner of myPASS. Hover your mouse over your name, which will open a drop-down menu. In the menu, hover over “My appointments” to see your existing appointment. Click on your appointment to open your appointment form.
Visual: The speaker clicks on the appointment and an appointment form opens. The speaker scrolls down to the bottom of the form to the “EDIT APPOINTMENT” and “CANCEL APPOINTMENT” buttons.
Audio: Scroll to the bottom of your appointment form to find the “Edit Appointment” and “Cancel Appointment” buttons. Use these buttons to change or cancel your appointment.
If you will not be ready to attach your paper by the 5 a.m. Eastern time deadline, we appreciate it if you would cancel your appointment to open the space for other students. However, we ask that students only cancel an appointment prior to the date of the appointment.
You’re now ready to make a paper review appointment with the Writing Center! Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions, and we look forward to working with you in a paper review appointment soon!
Visual: The screen changes to end with the words “Walden University Writing Center” and “Questions? E-mail”