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myPASS: Logging in to myPASS

Last updated 8/4/2016


Visual: The speaker logs into the system using her user name and password on the myPASS log-in page.

Audio: After you register for an account, myPASS will take you back to the login page. Enter your newly created login information and choose from the three schedules in the drop-down menu.


Visual: The speaker moves her mouse to “Choose a Schedule” and clicks the drop down menu to show the schedule options.

Audio: If you are a master’s student or a doctoral student and would like to submit a discussion post or course paper for a graduate class, select the Graduate Coursework Schedule. If you are a doctoral student working on your premise or prospectus, select the Preproposal Schedule. If you are an undergraduate student and would like to submit work for an undergraduate class, select the Undergraduate Coursework Schedule.

If you use screen reader software, you can choose to use the text-only scheduler from this page.


Visual: The speaker selects the Graduate Coursework Schedule and then clicks the button to log in.

Audio: Once you have chosen your schedule, click the log in button to log into myPASS.