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Accessing Modules: Registered or Returning Users

Last updated 12/12/2019

Video Length: 1:19

Visual: The title of the video, “Accessing Modules: Registered or Returning Users,” and the words “Writing Center Self-Paced Writing Modules” are displayed on a slide with the Writing Center and Walden University logo and a background image of a keyboard.

The screen changes to show the Writing Center’s module section of the website.

Audio: In this tutorial you will learn how to register for and access your second or subsequent Writing Center self-paced module. These steps should only be used after you have completed one Writing Center module and created an account in the system. 


Visual: The words “I’m ready to start learning!” are highlighted.

Audio: To register for and access a module after you are already a user, click the “I’m ready to start learning!” of your new module.


Visual: The module’s registration page appears with the words “You are logged in as” highlighted. The registration form’s First Name and Last Name filled out. Next, the program and degree fields of the registration form are highlighted. After that, the “View” button is highlighted.

Audio: From here, you may still be logged into your account. If so, specify your program, degree, and the course, if applicable, and click “View.”


Visual: The screen changes to another registration page, this time without any of the fields filled out. The words “If you have registered with us before, please click here” are highlighted.

Audio: If your computer does not remember your log-in information, note where it says “If you have registered with us before, please click here.” Click this link to enter your e-mail and password. 


Visual: The screen changes to show the next registration page where the speaker types her e-mail address and password into the fields. 

Audio: [typing]


Visual: The words “Password Reset” and the button “Continue” are highlighted on the registration form.

Audio: If you don’t remember your password, click “Password Reset.” Otherwise, click “Continue.” 


Visual: The registration form is again shown, this time with First Name and Last name fields filled out. The program and degree fields are highlighted again. Next, the “View” button is highlighted.

Audio:  You will then be asked to specify your program, degree, and course, and then you should select “View” to continue.


Visual: The module’s list of tutorials is now shown. The module’s tutorials and “Locked” and “Open” buttons are then highlighted.

Audio: You can now start the module. This is the process you will use to access all subsequent Writing Center modules you complete while at Walden.


Visual: A slide appears with the words “Questions? E-mail” and the words “Writing Center Self-Paced Writing Modules”, along with the Writing Center and Walden University logo.

Audio: If you have technical issues, be sure to e-mail us at