Writing responses in discussions
Writing thoughtful peer responses to discussion posts is a significant part of the online learning experience. This resource offers strategies for providing constructive, specific, and professional feedback to peers.
"I encourage you to take the opportunities to go outside your comfort zone. You might be surprised how quickly you become more at ease with presenting. Like me, you might even learn to enjoy the experience!"
Dr. Christy Fraenza, Walden Alumna
Dr. Christy Fraenza, Walden Alumna
Your instructor is your most valuable resource.
However, when it comes to reaching out to faculty members, you may feel intimidated. This presentation was designed to help you overcome those fears by offering advice on how and when to communicate with your instructor.Communicating with Instructors (PDF)
Assertive communication can help you set boundaries and say "no"
This module will prepare you to establish healthy boundaries, communicate your needs to others, and stick to your time management plan.Assertive Communication (Module)
Classroom Accommodations
Walden University's Student Wellness and Disability Services is here to help students with disabilities have a barrier free experience in their online classroom, field experience, and residency.