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Understanding Assignment Prompts

Confused, overwhelmed, anxious: These are words students use to describe how they feel when first reading a prompt for a new assignment. In this recorded webinar, we discuss the three common sections of Walden assignment instructions and how to get started with understanding the prompt. Students learn and practice strategies for demystifying writing requirements.






Respond to the Assignment Prompt

Learn how to identify what various prompts require and create a plan for how to respond, compose an effective response to the prompt, and use the rubric to identify additional expectations.

Respond to the Assignment Prompt

"Doesn't Meet Requirements"
Strategies for Following Your Assignment Instructions

"We're going to break down some common assignment terms and give you some strategies for understanding and following your writing assignment instructions.

So, you may have had this experience--I know I did, when I was an undergrad and even in grad school--where you feel really, really strong about something that you turn in in your course. You've spent a lot of time on this assignment, you've put a lot of effort into it, and you're probably feeling really proud of it. And then you get it back with your instructor's comments on it, and you find that you've lost points because your instructor says that the paper doesn't meet the requirements or follow the assignment instructions. Now, if you've ever had an experience like that, I think you'll find this episode really helpful. "

"Doesn't Meet Requirements" Transcript

Navigate Common Walden Assignments

These pages include general guidelines for writing common assignments at Walden University. Always refer to the assignment instructions for specific guidelines. Remember that instructors may also have particular expectations.

Many students complete their program with a capstone course.

These capstone courses look different depending on the program and program learning outcomes. Students need to use all of the skills they have learned thus far in this culmination of their degree, often writing and developing one final capstone throughout the entire capstone course.

Master's Capstone Writing


Organize Ideas and Paragraphs

Stacks of notes, books, and course materials in front of a blank computer screen may cause a moment of writer's block as you go to organize your paper, but there is no need to panic. Instead, organizing your paper will give you a sense of control and allow you to better integrate your ideas as you start to write.

Writing a Paper

Webinar Recording: Using the MEAL Plan to Write and Revise Academic Paragraphs

Paragraphs are the building blocks of academic papers, and writing a strong paragraph can be harder than it seems. But don't worry! In this interactive webinar, we'll share a method--loved by students and faculty--for strengthening your paragraphs. In this webinar, we discuss the role of a paragraph in an academic paper, learn the MEAL Plan strategy for paragraph organization, and practice evaluating paragraph(s) using the MEAL Plan. After the presentation, pause the webinar and use our Paragraph Checklist to evaluate and revise a paragraph(s) of your own.

Using the MEAL Plan Presentation Slides (PDF)

Using the MEAL Plan Transcript