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An annotated bibliography is a series of notes, or annotations, for sources that address an overall topic. They’re often assigned in courses to help you develop a greater understanding of your research topic and generate ideas you can use in other writing projects, such as a literature review.

Components of an Annotation

Each annotation within an annotated bibliography typically contains four components for the source it addresses: an APA reference entry, a summary, an analysis, and an application.


Reference Entry

Begin each annotation with an APA Style reference entry for the source.


After the reference provide a summary, in your own words, of the key information you found in that source. Rather than paraphrasing the authors’ entire argument, focus on their goals, methods, and results. As you write, try to answer questions like these:

  • What’s the topic of this study?
  • What actions did the authors take within the study and why?
  • What methods did they use?
  • What was the theoretical basis of this research?
  • What were the conclusions?

Because you’re describing events that have already happened, write your summary in the past tense.


Following the summary, share your analysis of the source, focusing on its relevance, strengths and weaknesses, and whether the authors achieved their research goals. As you write your analysis, consider questions like these:

  • Was the research question appropriate for the topic and the situation?
  • Did the authors make an original contribution to the body of knowledge about their topic?
  • Were the research methods and design appropriate?
  • How generalizable are the authors’ findings?
  • Are the authors’ conclusions justified?
  • Did the authors consider the social and cultural contexts surrounding their research?

The last part of each annotation should address how the source relates to your research topic. As you write, try to answer questions like these:

  • How is this source different from others in the same field or on the same topic? How are they similar?
  • Does this source fill a gap in the scholarly literature?
  • Are these authors’ findings applicable to other settings or situations?
  • How might you apply the findings or methods of this study to your own research?

Depending on your faculty’s preferences and what aspects of the source you’re discussing, you may want to write in the first-person point of view for some portions of the application. For example, if you’re discussing how the source applies to your research, first person may be appropriate. However, if you’re describing how the source relates to other sources or your field overall, first person may not be appropriate. Ask your faculty if you have questions about using the first-person point of view in your annotated bibliography.

Annotation Example


To see an example of a complete set of annotations, download our sample annotated bibliography (Word download).

Kenny, M. C., Dinehart, L. H., & Winick, C. B. (2016). Child-centered play therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder. In A. A. Drewes & C. E. Schaefer (Eds.), Play therapy in middle childhood (pp. 103–147). American Psychological Association.

     In this chapter, Kenny et al. provided a case study of the treatment of a 10-year-old boy diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ADS). Kenny et al. described the rationale and theory behind the use of child-centered play therapy (CCPT) in the treatment of a child with ASD. Specifically, children with ADS often have sociobehavioral problems that can be improved when they have a safe therapy space for expressing themselves emotionally through play that assists in their interpersonal development. The authors outlined the progress made by the patient in addressing the social and communicative impairments associated with ASD. Additionally, the authors explained the role that parents have in implementing CCPT in the patient’s treatment. Their research on the success of CCPT used qualitative data collected by observing the patient in multiple therapy sessions.

     CCPT follows research carried out by other theorists who have identified the role of play in supporting cognition and interpersonal relationships. This case study is relevant to the current conversation surrounding the emerging trend toward CCPT treatment in adolescents with ASD as it illustrates how CCPT can be successfully implemented in a therapeutic setting to improve the patient’s communication and socialization skills. However, Kenny et al. acknowledged that CCPT has limitations—children with ADS, who are not highly functioning and or are more severely emotionally underdeveloped, are likely not suited for this type of therapy.

     Kenny et al.’s explanation of this treatment’s implementation is useful for professionals in the psychology field who work with adolescents with ASD. This piece is also useful to parents of adolescents with ASD, as it discusses the role that parents can play in successfully implementing the treatment. However, more information is needed to determine if this program would be suitable as part of a K–12 school program focused on the needs of children with ASD.


  • Alphabetized by author. Like a reference list, the sources in an annotated bibliography should appear in alphabetical order by the authors' last names.
  • No headings. Because you discuss each source individually, you won’t need headings between sources or paragraphs.
  • Brief. Keep your annotations concise and clear. Because each annotation is typically no longer than three paragraphs, you’ll need to only include essential information.
  • Variations: Formatting requirements may vary based on your assignment and your faculty’s expectations.
  • No citations or direct quotations. Citations aren’t needed within an annotation because you’re only focusing on one source, identified by the reference entry for each annotation.
  • No direct quotations. Because you’re briefly summarizing each source, discussing its significance, and applying it to your topic, you typically won’t use direct quotations in your annotations.
  • No reference list. Because your annotations already include reference entries, you don’t need to include a reference list at the end of an annotated bibliography.
  • Use APA style. Follow APA style guidelines for scholarly voice in your annotations.
  • Double-space the text and use an appropriate font. Annotated bibliographies typically follow the same formatting guidelines as other course papers, such as double-spacing your text using appropriate fonts and margins. Use our Course Paper Templates to ensure your papers follow these guidelines.

Key Takeaways

Knowledge Check