In APA style, your documents should follow specific guidelines for margins, page numbers, font, and spacing.
All margins in your document (top, bottom, left, and right) should be set to 1 inch.
This can be done by using settings in Microsoft Word.
- Click on Layout
- Click on Margins
- Select Normal
Microsoft provides additional resources on how to change margins.

Course papers should have page numbers in the top right corner of each page.
- Page numbers should begin on the title page with 1.
- Insert page numbers using settings in Microsoft Word.
Microsoft provides additional resources on how to insert page numbers

APA recommends a consistent font throughout your paper. Some recommended fonts include:
- 11-point Calibri
- 11-point Arial
- 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode
- 12-point Times New Roman
- 11-point Georgia
Note that 12-point Times New Roman is the required font for Walden doctoral capstone documents and is the font used in all OASIS paper templates.
Spacing in a Sentence
Use one space after a period or other punctuation at the end of a sentence.
Spacing in a Paper
Double spacing should be used throughout the paper (including the reference list).
- Do not add additional space above or below the lines of text.
- The default paragraph spacing in Word is set to “Open” (or with a space after each paragraph). You can change this in Word.
- Click the Line and Paragraph Spacing icon.
- Select Remove Space After Paragraph.
- Use settings in Microsoft Word for double-spacing rather than manually creating line spacing.
Microsoft provides additional resources on how to change the spacing in your document.
Writing Templates
A writing template can help you format your document in APA style. Explore OASIS Writing Templates designed to assist you with your courses and program-specific templates to support your doctoral dissertations and capstone projects.