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APA style contains rules you’ll learn over time the more you use it. The key is to know some basics, practice, know where to go for information, and reach out for support when you have questions.

Use Helpful Tools

Take the APA Diagnostic Quiz

Complete this diagnostic quiz to help you identify areas of APA style you may need to learn more about, and which OASIS self-paced modules can help.

APA Style Diagnostic Quiz

Use a Checklist

The APA Basics Checklist provides a helpful overview of essential APA style rules that you can use when writing and reviewing your documents.

Review the APA Basics Checklist

Use Writing Templates

Downloading and using OASIS Writing Templates can help you meet some basic APA document formatting expectations like margins, page numbers, and more.

Writing Templates

Ask Instructors for Additional APA Guidance

Reaching out to instructors for clarification on their feedback can help you enhance your skills and strengthen relationships at Walden. Below are email templates you can use to ask for more guidance on APA-related feedback.

Email Template 1

Email Subject: [Your Course Number], Clarification on APA Feedback

Dear [Instructor's Name],

Thank you for your feedback on my [assignment name]. I noticed a comment regarding [in-text citations, reference formatting, or other topic], and I wanted to double-check my understanding. According to the APA Manual (7th edition), [describe the relevant APA guideline as you understand it, briefly].

Could you please clarify your feedback related to this APA guideline? I want to make sure I meet your expectations and that I’m understanding APA standards.

Thank you for your time and support!

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]

Email Template 2

Email Subject: [Your Course Number], Follow-Up on Feedback Regarding APA Style

Dear [Instructor's Name],

I appreciate your thoughtful feedback on my assignment. I noticed a note about [specific feedback], and I’d like to confirm that I’m interpreting the APA guidelines correctly. For reference, the APA Manual (7th edition) suggests [insert specific guideline].

If I’ve misunderstood, I’d appreciate hearing your perspective so I can apply it correctly in future assignments. Your feedback is very helpful for my learning.

Kind regards,

Best regards,
[Your Full Name]


Adapt these templates as-needed to meet your needs and remember to follow best practices for Professional Etiquette as an Online Student.

Use OASIS Services

OASIS is here to help you grow your APA skills. You can search our website for many APA-focused resources. But we also have a team of dedicated staff you can connect with in different ways.


Search for self-paced resources on a variety of topics or submit a question to OASIS staff and receive a response via email.

Explore Ask OASIS

  OASIS Live

OASIS Live offers opportunities for you to connect live with fellow Walden students and experts to discuss a variety of topics, including APA style.

Learn About OASIS Live

  APA Rapid Reviews

Upload your document and receive tips and instruction related to APA citations, formatting, and style.

Learn About APA Rapid Reviews

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