Master's Resources
One of the reasons the Library databases are so useful is because they allow you to limit your results to just the type of content you need.
For example, if you need peer-reviewed articles, you can limit your search results so that you only see peer-reviewed articles. Generally, you can find the limiters below the search boxes in a database.
Quick Tips
Learn how to identify main concepts in complex research topics, use main concepts to identify synonyms or related words to be used as keywords, and employ advanced database searching.
Break a Topic Into Keywords
Discover strategies to search for and locate different types of resources through the Walden Library databases, identify relevant publication information for articles found, and cite and reference articles using APA.
In a physical library, it is fairly easy to tell if what you are holding is a book, a journal article, a dissertation, etc. However, in an online library, you don't have those physical clues to help you with identifying a resource. If you don't know what type of resource you are looking at, it will be hard to tell if it is appropriate for your assignment or research. On the following pages you will find information about these publication types.
After you've reviewed all of these pages, you can test your knowledge by taking our quiz:
Test Your Knowledge
After identifying the various types of publications, consider when use of each type might be appropriate.
Please Note: These are general guidelines. Please refer to your discussion, assignment, or capstone rubric for specific requirements.
Learn How To Select the Right Resource
A question to ask yourself when trying to identify primary or secondary sources is: Did the person writing the thing do the thing?
In primary source documents, the person writing the piece actually did the research, or witnessed the event, or created something entirely new. These are some examples of primary sources:
For example, in the article, "School counselors' strategies for social justice change: A grounded theory of what works in the real world," these are some of the key elements from the abstract that indicate that it is a primary, research article:
The primary source authors actually talked to 16 school counselors, using grounded methodology, to come up with their findings based on the research that the authors actually did. Here, the authors did the research themselves and then reported on it.
Singh, A. A., Urbano, A., Haston, M., & McMahon, E. (2010). School counselors' strategies for social justice change: A grounded theory of what works in the real world. Professional School Counseling, 13(3), 135-145.
Secondary sources evaluate or analyze what others have done or witnessed or created. The authors didn't go out and do it, they just analyzed it or wrote about it. These are some examples of secondary sources:
This is an example of an article that is a secondary source, with some of the key elements highlighted:
In the article abstract, "Advocacy for health equity: A synthesis review," these are some of the key elements that indicate it is a secondary source article:
What makes the secondary source secondary is that the authors used other authors' research, analyzing and synthesizing the information to come up with their conclusions, or findings.
Farrer, L., Marinetti, C., Cavaco, Y. K., & Costongs, C. (2015). Advocacy for health equity: A synthesis review. Milbank Quarterly, 93(2), 392-437.
When looking at a resource to determine whether it is primary or secondary, words that describe the action of the author can be helpful. For example, words like these can indicate actual research carried out:
In secondary resources, since the focus is on analyzing or discussion of a primary source, you would look for words that describe the action of the author indicating that this is an analysis or discussion, such as:
You will need to examine the abstract and/or the article to determine if the resource is primary or secondary. While the words above can help indicate the type of resource, this is not a cut and dried process where if you see a particular word, that means the resource is always primary.
Locating a findings section in an article doesn't mean the source is either primary or secondary. Check to see whether the authors did the research themselves, or whether they analyzed research done by others.
The term website might be used to refer to anything you find on the Internet. People often use the word in this general way.
However, there is a distinction between online resources available through a Library database, and websites that anyone can find on the World Wide Web with a search engine.
Websites - Evaluating Resources