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One of the best ways to handle any unknown situation is to go into it knowing that things may not always go as planned. It is important to be flexible.
Suzanne Switzer, My Experience with the Blended Academic Year in Residence (BAYR)

"Thank you for such a nicely put article. It did not sugar coat the difficulties and made me realize once again even while I am in the thick of it – this is doable."

Lynda McDonald, Comment, Completing my Doctoral Capstone


Are you the first in your family to pursue a doctoral degree?

This module is designed to help you develop a plan for success so you can break generational barriers and reach your doctoral goals.
Being Successful as a First-Generation Doctoral Student(Module)

Doctoral Capstone Form and Style

Walden University's Doctoral Form and Style Editors offer webinars and clinics covering such topics as introduction to the form and style review, guidance on the literature review process, and a question-and-answer panel.

Visit Form and Style Website

Completing my Doctoral Capstone

Developing Your Doctoral Identity

Attending Residency Video Series