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Explore our Peer Tutoring Appointments
Our peer tutors are available to answer questions to build skills in quantitative concepts and software programs.
Course-Based Tutoring
Peer mentors are current Walden students like you who understand the experience of learning online. They regularly host Peer Mentor Connect and Chat sessions and OASIS Live events, where you can ask questions, learn strategies, and share experiences.
Writing Services
Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals.
Take a Grit Scale Quiz
"Being gritty can mean different things to different people – resilience, effort, perseverance, passion... But for me, there is another word that is relatable to the idea of grit, and that word is failure."
"In one of my favorite essays about writing, author Anne Lamott (2005) argues that “all good writing starts with terrible first efforts” (para. 10)."
"Video games taught me a far more important lesson than how to time a jump: they can be a safe place to practice patience and resilience. There are no consequences for not “getting it right"."
"A lifelong perfectionist, I spent most of my academic career trying to avoid failure. I played it safe. As an undergraduate, I meticulously researched professors to ensure that signing up for a particularly challenging course would not jeopardize my GPA."