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When using APA style for assignments, it's important your title page follows specific formatting guidelines and includes certain details.

Title Page Elements

  1. A page number in the top right corner, starting with 1.
  2. Title of the Paper
    • Use bold, title case (meaning all major words and words of four or more letters are capitalized).
    • Center the title on your title page and at the top of the first page following the title page.
    • Do not add end punctuation to your title.
  3. Your Name
  4. Program Name or Degree Name, Walden University
  5. Course Number and Title of Course, separated by a colon (:)
  6. Instructor Name
  7. Due Date of Assignment
    • Use the format: Month Day, Year.
    • Example: January 25, 2025

image of title page example

OASIS Writing Templates can help you format your title page and other elements of your paper.

Writing Effective Titles

A title should summarize your paper's main ideas in an engaging and concise way that avoids unnecessary words and phrases (like "a study of"). The reader should be able to clearly understand the topic or focus of your paper from just the title.

Look at a few example titles and consider what could be changed to make them more effective. When you’re ready, click to review possible revisions.

Walden dissertations and capstones may have other title guidelines. Refer to program-specific templates for additional information.

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