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Your audience is the readers for whom you're writing.

Why is it important to think about audience?

  • To ensure that the reader will understand the information 

  • To enhance your credibility by meeting the readers’ expectations regarding context, form, voice, tone, and other aspects of writing 

Identify Your Audience

Early in the writing process, identify the audience for your writing. The audience may include the intended reader or readers but also hypothetical readers. The following are some examples.

For your academic writing at Walden

  • Faculty 
  • Fellow classmates/students 
  • Larger scholarly community, in your field of study or beyond 

For your writing outside of Walden

  • Colleagues 
  • Friends and family 
  • Clients, patients, customers, or students 
  • Investors
  • Professional community 

For your Walden coursework, your actual audience is often your faculty or classmates. However, it is helpful to also consider hypothetical readers who would benefit from learning about the topic, even those outside of the classroom. Thinking about the hypothetical reader can help you provide important background information and demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Analyze the Audience



Analyze your audience, considering their characteristics, needs, and expectations. Use that analysis to inform your writing. Expand the sections for questions to consider for your audience analysis:


  • What background information will my audience need?
  • Am I assuming that the reader already believes in the importance of this issue?
  • Could the topic or terms I’m using be understood differently by different readers?


  • Is this a concept or idea that is particularly present in my own setting but may be less familiar to someone in a different region/workplace/setting?
  • Are there disciplinary conventions the reader will expect that I follow?
  • Are there norms or constraints related to the medium or platform that impact readers’ expectations? (e.g., word count limitations)

Features of writing

  • What tone will my audience be expecting for this writing purpose and context? (e.g., casual and friendly, formal and scholarly)
  • What level of detail will my audience be expecting for this writing purpose and context? (e.g., a general overview or a detailed explanation of steps)

Use of evidence

  • Will my audience expect that I write from my personal experience and perspective, or do I need to use evidence to support my assertions?
  • How much do I need to “connect the dots” for the reader?

Personal details

  • What does my audience need to know about my experience, credibility, or authority?
  • What personal details are appropriate to share with the audience?

Explore these examples of applying audience considerations to a written communication's content, strategies, and language.

Classroom Discussion Post

Audience: Primarily faculty and classmates

Because the discussion board is part of a university course, there are expectations of formality and etiquette, though the tone of the writing can generally be more casual and friendly than for formal assignments. Initially, your readers (faculty and classmates) may be strangers, so you might share some personal details, such as your research interests, career, and hobbies. However, the reader will likely expect that you leave out more intimate personal details in this somewhat public space.

Course Paper

Audience: Primarily faculty, also the hypothetical reader

A key role of academic writing is to demonstrate your learning and understanding of the course content. Because the audience includes the hypothetical reader, include enough background so that anyone coming across your work—even if they aren’t familiar with the course materials for that week—will be able to understand and appreciate it. Your faculty may also be looking for your analysis and synthesis of the learning materials.

Personal Blog or Social Media Post

Audience: Primarily readers or followers, also the broader public

Understanding the audience and purpose will be key in making decisions about content and tone. Sometimes, the reader may need the backstory or background information, and other times not. In some instances, casual language and nonstandard spelling or grammar may be the norm. Sharing intimate details, personal experiences, and anecdotes may be appropriate or expected.

Cover Letter or CV

Audience: Prospective employers

Your audience will often briefly scan the document initially, so it should be concise and highlight only the most relevant information. Formatting and correctness can communicate your credibility, so it will be important to be precise and grammatically accurate. The audience may also be expecting that you use industry-specific language.

Bio for a Professional Conference Presentation

Audience: Other professionals and students

For a professional conference, your bio should generally be formal and straightforward. The audience will expect you to establish your credibility by sharing career highlights, professional experience, academic credentials, and publications.

Also consider factors such as cultural norms, disciplinary conventions, and medium or platform constraints when crafting messages.

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