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Module Preview: Avoiding Passive Plagiarism
Last updated 4/18/2016
Visual: Slide with an open book image. Text box with words, “Module Preview: Avoiding Overt Plagiarism,” slides in from left and stops in top center of slide.
Audio: The Avoiding Overt Plagiarism module helps students avoid one type of plagiarism.
Visual: Orange box slides in from the right that reads: “Passive plagiarism occurs when writers don’t cite paraphrases or don’t paraphrase well enough.”
Audio: Passive plagiarism occurs when writers don’t properly cite or properly paraphrase.
Visual: Orange box at the top—with a picture of a laptop to the right. Slide has a white background. Text in orange box reads: “This module might be a good for if you.”
Three bullet points appear in the white portion below the orange box as the speaker speaks. The points are as follows:
- Are unsure how to properly cite quotes in your writing;
- Are unfamiliar with U.S. academic conventions for attributing sources; or
- Have received feedback from your faculty or the Writing Center that you need to improve your citing.
Audio: This module might be a good fit if you are unsure how to properly paraphrase in your writing, are unfamiliar with U.S. academic conventions for paraphrasing sources, or have received feedback from your faculty or the Writing Center that you need to improve your citing or paraphrasing.
Visual: Slide changes to a screen shot of Adobe Connect—it is slightly blurry and broken into two screens. The screen zooms in, and black boxes are formed around
- premodule quiz,
- five tutorials,
- a postmodule quiz,
- and a certificate of completion.
Audio: This interactive, self-paced module includes a premodule quiz, six tutorials, a postmodule quiz, and a certificate of completion. Once you complete the premodule quiz, the six tutorials will become unlocked.
Visual: A screen shot of a course called “Academic Integrity and Intellectual Property” pops up in the left-hand corner over the previous screen.
Audio: These tutorials will provide you with an introduction to plagiarism in U.S. …
Visual: A popup of a screen shot of a titled “Paraphrasing requires” shows up above the screen and above the past slide.
Audio: …academic writing and the basics of citing paraphrases. You’ll then practice identifying plagiarism and …
Visual: A popup of a screen shot of a slide titled “Steps to Strong Paraphrasing” slide shows up above the screen and above the past slide.
Audio: …citing sources. You’ll…
Visual: A popup of a screen shot of a slide titled “Your Turn to Practice” shows up above the screen and above the past slide.
Audio: …practice paraphrases.
Visual: A popup of a screen shot of a power point titled “Research & Taking Notes” shows up above the screen and above the past slide.
Audio: Finally, you’ll explore strategies help you avoid plagiarism in your writing.
Visual: Slide changes to a screen shot of Adobe Connect—it is slightly blurry and broken into two screens.
Audio: Once you complete the tutorials, take the postmodule quiz until you pass with an 80% score,…
Visual: A screen shot of a module entitled “Congratulations!” pops up in the right-hand corner.
Audio: … at which time you can save a certificate of completion.
Visual: Popup goes away.
Audio: Avoiding passive plagiarism is an important component of academic writing. When you’re ready to improve your paraphrasing skills, register for and complete this module.
Visual: Slide changes back to book background from intro slide. Text box at top reads: Questions? Text box below image reads: E-mail wcwebinars@mail.waldenu.edu.