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myPASS: Navigating myPASS

Last updated 8/4/2016


Visual: The screen opens on the Graduate Coursework Schedule on the myPASS schedule. As the speaker discusses each feature of the schedule, it is highlighted on the schedule.

Audio: The myPASS schedule is arranged in a grid format. At the top of the schedule you will see the dates of the current week, a drop-down menu to navigate between the three schedules, and options to view the previous week or next week’s appointments. The default schedule view is the current week, which always begins with the current day. So, if you had an appointment yesterday, you’ll need to navigate to the previous week to see it. If you need to move to a different schedule, use the drop-down menu. Our appointment schedule rolls out on a 14-day basis. So, you will be able to make an appointment up to 14 days in the future. You can see future appointment openings by scrolling down to see the upcoming week’s schedule or by clicking the “Next Week” button to see future weeks. Please note that the times listed are only for organizational purposes and do not refer to appointment meeting or completion times.


Visual: The speaker scrolls down to reveal more of the available myPASS calendar. Some of the time slots are white, others are blue, and one is yellow.

Audio: All of our appointments are asynchronous, meaning that they do not involve a phone call or live communication. A gray or a blue box on the grid indicates an appointment that is unavailable. A yellow box indicates an appointment that you have scheduled. A white box indicates an open appointment, which you can click to open that appointment’s form and then reserve that appointment.


Visual: The speaker clicks on a white box on the calendar. An appointment form window opens on top of the calendar with options to create a new appointment.