Last updated 12/12/2019
Video Length: 1:44
Visual: The title of the video, “Accessing Modules: First-Time Users,” and the words “Writing Center Self-Paced Writing Modules” are displayed on a slide with the Writing Center and Walden University logo and a background image of a keyboard.
The screen changes to show the Writing Center’s module section of the website.
Audio: This tutorial is for first-time users of the Writing Center’s self-paced modules and will show you how to register for and access your first module. If you have never accessed a Writing Center module before, you are a first-time user and need to use your e-mail to create an account.
Visual: On the Writing Center website, the words “I’m ready to start learning” are highlighted.
Audio: To do so, click the “I’m ready to start learning!” link of the module you’d like to complete.
Visual: Image changes to show the module’s registration page.
The speaker is filling out the registration form’s fields, including the E-mail Address, First Name, Last Name, Password, and Verify Password fields. The speaker specifies the program and degree fields.
Audio: Fill out the registration form with your e-mail address and first and last name. You will also need to create a password. Finally, specify your program and degree. If you are completing this module as part of a course, specify that course’s name.
Visual: The “View” button is highlighted.
Audio: Click “View” to start the module, which will open in another screen.
Visual: A visual of the module is displayed with the list of the tutorials in the module, which are highlighted, as are the “Locked” and “Open” buttons for each tutorial.
Audio: You are now a registered user in the Writing Center’s module system, and you can start the module. We recommend minimizing the Overview section so you can see all of the module’s tutorials.
Complete each component of the module, starting with the premodule quiz. To complete the module and access your certificate of completion, pass the ending, postmodule quiz with a score of 80% or higher. You can exit the module at any time and return to start where you left off.
Visual: An image of the confirmation e-mail is shown along with an image of the Writing Center’s module pages on the website.
Audio: To do so, refer to the module’s confirmation e-mail or return to the module on the Writing Center’s website and click “I’m ready to start learning!” In both cases, log in with your e-mail and password.
Remember, this is the process you use to access your first Writing Center module. For second and subsequent modules, you will use your e-mail and the password you created to access any other module.
Visual: A slide appears with the words “Questions? E-mail” and the words “Writing Center Self-Paced Writing Modules”, along with the Writing Center and Walden University logo.
Audio: If you have technical issues, be sure to e-mail us at