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Welcome to the Writing Center, Doctoral Students!

Last update 10/8/2018


Visual: Walden logo at bottom of screen along with notepad background.

Audio: Guitar music.


Visual: Screen changes to show the home page of the Writing Center website. As the speaker continues, the following shows on the screen: your home for support and information about academic writing, APA, and grammar

Audio: Hello, and welcome to the Writing Center, doctoral students! We’re glad you’re here because the Writing Center is your home for academic writing, APA, and grammar support, so we hope you’ll visit us often.


Visual: Screen changes to show a picture of a gym with equipment. As the speaker continues, the following shows on the screen: We’re the place you go to “exercise” your writing muscles. The Writing Center has multiple ways for you to develop your writing skills, and you can focus on different aspects of your writing each time you visit us.

Audio: You can think of the Writing Center like your writing gym: We’re the place you go to “exercise” your writing muscles. Just like a typical gym where there are different ways to exercise and you can focus on different muscles, the Writing Center has multiple ways for you to develop your writing skills and you can focus on different aspects of your writing each time you visit us.


Visual: Screen changes to show a teal background with two boxes that say the following: Office of Writing Instruction and Office of Academic Editing. Two icons appear to represent each office, an icon of a person typing at a computer for the Office of Writing Instruction and an icon of a magnifying glass over paper for the Office of Academic Editing.

Audio: The Writing Center has two offices.


Visual: The screen zooms into the Office of Writing Instruction. As the speaker continues, headshots of writing instructors are displayed.

Audio: The Office of Writing Instruction is staffed by full-time writing instructors who are experts at teaching academic writing. Their goal is to help you develop your academic writing skills throughout your coursework in your doctoral program.


Visual: The screen zooms into the Office of Academic Editing. As the speaker continues, headshots of editors are displayed.

Audio: The Office of Academic Editing is staffed by full-time dissertation editors who are experts at editing students’ final doctoral capstone documents via the form and style review.


Visual: The screen zooms out to show an additional box that says Academic Writing Assistants and Graduate Assistants. An icon with people over a star is displayed.

Audio: Finally, we also have Academic Writing Assistants and Graduate Assistants, Walden students who work within the Writing Center by answering fellow student questions.


Visual: The screen zooms back to the Office of Writing Instruction.

Audio: For now, we’re going to focus on how you can work with the writing instructors to develop your academic writing skills throughout your coursework.


Visual: The screen change to show the home page of the Writing Center website. As the narrator describes sections of the website, those sections are highlighted on the screen.

Audio: Let’s start with the hub of the Writing Center, our website. There’s a few key areas:

  • We’ve included our most popular services and resources in the buttons on the left, which are also accessible under the “Writing Help” tab.
  • The other tabs to pay attention to are at the top here. Each of these tabs have subpages, which are full of writing, grammar, and APA information for you.
  • We also encourage you to use the website’s search box to save you time.
  • Finally, you can find additional information on our home page: a Quick Answers search across the university; Announcements; our Live Chat schedule; our upcoming live webinar schedule; and our contact information.

As you can see, the Writing Center’s website is a very busy hub. We realize that different students have different needs, resulting in all of the different ways you can exercise your writing muscles in the Writing Center.


Visual: As the speaker continues, the following is overlaid on the website: Top 5 Ways to Work with the Writing Center

Audio: With that, here are our top 5 ways for you to work with the Writing Center:


Visual: As the speaker continues, each number and suggestion is overlaid on the website.

Audio: Number 1: Consult the Writing Center website! Remember that the Writing Center website is available anytime; you can refer to our informational pages whether it’s 4:00 p.m. in the afternoon or 2:00 a.m. in the morning.

Number 2: Make a paper review appointment! When you make a paper review appointment, you’re asking one of our writing instructors to give you feedback on your writing. Our goal is to help you improve your writing, as well as note places you’re doing well. Feel free to submit drafts in progress, final drafts before submission to your classroom, or even past drafts that have already been graded.

Number 3: Attend a writing webinar! We offer a live weekly webinar on topics ranging from APA citations to paragraph development and grammar. Each session is also recorded and posted in our Webinar Recordings Archive for you to watch on demand.

Number 4: Ask a question! We want to hear from you, especially if you have a question. We promise no question is too simple or obvious, so be sure to contact us by either e-mail or during our Live Chat hours so we can help you.

Number 5: Follow, like, or subscribe to our social media! We’re on Facebook and Twitter, and we also have a weekly blog, a weekly newsletter, and a monthly podcast, which help you stay in touch with the Writing Center.


Visual: As the narrator continues, the following is overlaid on the website: Start somewhere!

  1. Consult the Writing Center website
  2. Make a paper review appointment
  3. Attend a writing webinar
  4. Ask a question
  5. Follow, like, or subscribe to our social media

Audio: Finally, our last piece of advice is this: Start somewhere! We know that sometimes navigating the Writing Center or learning about academic writing can seem overwhelming. Or maybe you feel like you’re short on time. You’re not alone! Our suggestion? Choose one way to work with the Writing Center and start there. Before you know it, your academic writing will improve!


Visual: The screen changes to a notebook with the words Walden University Writing Center and the following: Questions? E-mail