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Using & Crediting Sources: Citing Quotations

Last updated 5/6/2020


Visual: Screen opens to a background image with a person typing on a laptop and a notebook and pencil, along with the Walden University Writing Center logo. The title Walden University Writing Center and tagline “Your writing, grammar, and APA experts” appears on the screen. The screen changes to show the series title “Using and Crediting Sources” and the video title “Citing Quotations.”

Audio: Guitar music


Visual: Slide changes to one titled “How do we cite?”

Body of slide reads: Direct quotations: Include the author(s), year and page or paragraph of the quote. Below body text is a text box which reads: Examples

  • Narrative: Malone (2012) reported that “women who exercised regularly during pregnancy have children who score…5 points higher on intelligence tests” (p.297).
  • Parenthetical: Exercising during pregnancy is important, as “pregnant women who exercised regularly during their second and third trimesters were 45% less likely to have gestational diabetes that those who did not exercise” (Harner, 2013, para. 4).

Audio: Here are our examples of how we cite quotations. The narrative citation uses the author's name and the year within the sentence. You'll also see that the page number appears at the end of the sentence, even though we put the author and the year in the middle or at the beginning of the sentence. Also notice the punctuation here. The direct quote is surrounded by quotation marks, and after the quotation marks comes the parentheses with the page number, and then after that comes the period. Another note here is that this page number comes at the end of the sentence no matter if you use a narrative citation or a parenthetical citation.

Let’s look at the parenthetical example, which is slightly different. Just like before, the page number is at the end of the sentence, but this time it’s joined by the author and year. And in this case, we’re actually not referring to a page number but a paragraph number – so “p-a-r-a” is used instead of just the “p” that would indicate a page number.


Visual: The screen changes to an ending slide with slide a background image with a person typing on a laptop and a notebook and pencil, along with the Walden University Writing Center logo. The email address appears on the screen.