Find a Journal by Title
Transcript: Find a journal by title
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Visual: The Library homepage, showing mouse hovered over Start Your Research tab and choosing Journals, Magazines & Newspapers.
Narration: This video demonstrates how to find a journal by title in the Walden University Library. From the library website, hover your mouse over the Start Your Research tab and click Journals, Newspapers, and Magazines.
Visual: Journal of Education for Business is typed into the search box.
Narration: Enter the journal title into the search box, then click Search.
Visual: Journal results list.
Narration: You will then be taken to a different page of journal results. If we have the journal, it should appear on top. If you don’t see it, first check your spelling. This search box does not catch typos. For journals that the library has, you will see links to databases that have the journal.
Visual: Journal of Education for Business results list. Pointing out available years.
Narration: Check to see what years are available for each database and choose a database that has the year that you need. For example, if you wanted to browse the most recent issue, you could not do so in options that state the most recent year, or year and six months, are not available.
Visual:Journal of Education for Business result, pointing out Taylor & Francis result. Clicking on Taylor & Francis result.
Narration: This database, Taylor & Francis, says the journal is available from 1997, in other words, all the way to the present. So this would be a good option if you were looking for the most recent issues. Click a database to see the issues and the articles within them.
Visual: Journal of Education for Business in Taylor & Francis. Pointing out the search box, journal information, and the list of volumes. Demonstrating clicking an issue to show the articles available in full text in that issue.
Narration: You are now inside the database that has the journal. Databases look different from each other but generally provide the same basic information and features, including the ability to search within the journal, obtain journal information, and see an archive of all issues. You may need to click a volume link to see the issues, and then you can click an issue link to see all of those articles, along with their full text.
Visual: Journal of Education for Business result list again. Clicking on EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete from the journal search results.
Narration: Let’s take a look at this same journal inside Academic Search Complete. It comes from the EBSCO company.
Visual: Journal of Education in Business in Academic Search Complete. The description and peer review status are pointed out. Clicking a year to show volumes and issues. Clicking on Search within this publication.
Narration: EBSCO databases typically include journal information, including a short description and whether or not the journal is peer reviewed. Years are listed along the right side. If you click a year, it will expand to show the volume numbers and issues. Clicking one of these links will take you to all of the articles in that particular issue. To search within a journal in an EBSCO database, click Search within this publication up near the top.
Visual: Academic Search Complete database with the journal name in the top search box. Typing in a keyword to the middle search box: "leadership". Pointing outresults that appear in full text.
Narration: The journal automatically appears in the top search box. Leave this text here and enter your keywords into the box or boxes below it.
Visual: Back to tab with original Journal search screen.
Narration: While we have tens of thousands of journals, but no Library can have every journal that exists. If you cannot find a journal with the lookup tool first check your spelling. As always, you’re welcome to contact us for help to confirm whether or not we have a journal.
Created June 2015 by Walden University Library