EDD Module 3 transcript
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University Library
FEMALE SPEAKER: This video will demonstrate how to use the old search box from the education research page to help you get started with weekly assignments and discussion posts.
Search bar located at the top
To begin enter a main keyword or concept into the search box. Will enter Computer Supported Collaborative Learning And click on Search.
Magnifying glass
This is searching a curated list of education and education related databases. And you can see that we get a lot of results over 5,000, but that's OK, because we have a full search page now that we can start to enter additional search terms. Keeping in mind you want to limit to one search concept per box but you can separate out synonyms with the word or within the boxes.
So let's look for the overlap of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, and blended or blending the environment.
Enters blended or blending
When we do that, we can see that our results list automatically comes down to a more manageable list of 164 results. And we can analyze the list relatively quickly by looking through the titles of the different articles. And this looks like it's pretty on top.
Scrolls through results
So if you want to further refine your search, you can look into the subject headings and see that here we can also look at face to face communication, we can look at group work, we can look at London synchronous learning as well as synchronous learning by itself. And look at here we can see that Computer Supported Collaborative Learning is actually a subject heading.
So to refine the search even further, we can look for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in the subject terms. To see which articles talk specifically to that as a subject.
She clicks Search
And you can see here that with the overlap of blended or blending we get just 33 results. So very tidy lives if you're looking for just a few things to support a discussion post or an assignment. And then you can go in and try out the other collaborative environments as well.
So we can look at synchronous for example, face to face any of the other terms that you're looking for in the context of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. You can also look for your terms in the abstracts.
Chooses Abstract
This will keep it somewhat more focused but not quite as focused as the subject terms.
The instructor then clicks Search.
And if you would like to refine it further, you can see that it's automatically limited to full text. But we can also limit it to peer reviewed scholarly journals only. And you can limit the dates as well if you wanted to put in a start date. So that you're capturing only the most recent conversation. So these are just different ways of refining your searches using the gold search box, from the education research page to get started with your weekly assignments and discussion post.
Created April 2021 by Walden University Library