Transcript: How to Locate Business Databases in Walden Library
How to Locate Business Databases in Walden Library
Begin transcript
Welcome to this short video on how to locate business and management databases in the Walden Library.
The first step to locating relevant business databases is to access the Walden Library homepage by going to .
Visual: Walden Library Homepage
There are two ways to locate business-specific databases in the Walden Library. The first is by going to Research by Subject and clicking on the button. This will provide a list of different options in the dropdown. You are going to select business and management. This is going to take you to the business and management research home page.
Visual: Business and Management Subject Homepage
Once you are on the business and management research homepage, scroll down until you see the business and management databases tab.
Click on the tab to display a list of business related databases. The first three databases, ABI/INFORM, Business Source Complete, and Emerald Insight are all business specific. Sage Journals and ScienceDirect are multidisciplinary, which means they are going to have a little bit of everything, including business and management related journals.
This is not a comprehensive list of the all the databases we have but it is a place to start. Click on the title of the database you wish to access. Please note that you may be asked to log in. It will be the same information as your student portal.
The second way to locate business and management database from the Walden Library homepage is by clicking on the Databases A-Z button.
Visual: Walden Library homepage
Once you’ve clicked on the Databases A-Z button, you will see a comprehensive list of all the databases and open access resources available in our collection.
Visual: Databases A-Z page
To limit to business and management related resources click on the All Subjects drop down and change the menu item to Business & Management.
Visual: Databases A-Z page, Business specific. Box at the top labeled Best Bets
The first five databases listed at the top of the page, are the same five databases listed on the business and management research homepage.
If you continue to scroll down the page, there will be other, more topic specific database listed along with other open access resources. Feel free to click on the title to access the resource.
Visual: Library homepage, arrow pointing to Ask a Librarian in the upper right
If you have any questions about the databases in our collection, please contact us at Ask a Librarian.
Created May 2021 by Walden University Library