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Search Ulrich's to Check for Peer Review

Video link: Search Ulrich’s to Check for Peer Review

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Visual: Ulrich’s homepage
Narration: Ulrich’s is a directory, which means that it contains publication information about journals, but does not include any of the journal’s content. You will not be able to find articles in Ulrich’s, but you can learn if a journal uses peer review.

Visual: Typing “Journal of Public Health” into the search box
Narration: Type the journal name into the search box, and then click the search button.

Visual: Results page
Narration: Ulrich’s will list all journals that match the search criteria. There may be several results. You will also see that there are multiple results with the same name. This is because Ulrich’s has a separate entry for each format. The Journal of Public Health comes in both a print and an online version, so Ulrich’s lists both.

Visual: Results page with the referee jersey icon highlighted
Narration: If a journal uses peer review, Ulrich’s will assign an icon of a referee jersey. Refereed means the same thing as peer reviewed. Both the online and the print version of the Journal of Public Health use peer review when selecting articles.


Created November 2012 by Walden University Library