Finding Mixed Methods Studies
Begin transcript:
Visual: Education Source home page
Narration: This short video will demonstrate how to find mixed-methods studies in the library databases. In the example we are searching Education Source, but you can use the same technique in any of the databases
Visual: Typing keywords into the search boxes
Narration: Normally the methodology is addressed in the abstract, so I’m going to search for mixed methods in the abstract. We do this by using Select a Field. In the second line I’m going to enter a general keyword, in this case we can use math, ending in an asterisk so I will pick up both math and mathematics. Underneath I’m going to make sure that Full Text is checked and also Peer-reviewed, so that I can get peer-reviewed literature that is available immediately in full text.
Visual: Results list
Narration: When I click on search I see that I get 190 results. I can scan the titles to get an idea of what might work for me,
Visual: Abstract and details of article
Narration: and I can also click on the title on any of them to look at the abstract to see how math and mixed methods fits in. For anything that works, I can use the tools to the right to print, email or save the article to my hard drive.
Visual: Back to results list.
Narration: Sometimes you’ll have the full text available here and sometimes you will have a Find @ Walden button which will help you find it in other databases.
Visual: entering different keyword to second search box
Narration: This should work for pretty much for any general keyword/phrase/topic. If I enter educational technology
Visual: Results list
Narration: I get 147 results
Visual: Library home page to Ask A Librarian form
Narration: And as always, if you have any questions, you can always ask a librarian.