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Find Mixed Method Articles

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Narration: This video shows how to locate research articles that is mixed methodology. When authors write mixed method articles, they will typically refer to the methodology in one of two ways. They'll either specifically refer to the fact that the methodologies are mixed, or they will name the different methodologies used. This means that some articles will use the terms mixed method or multi method, while other articles will describe a qualitative portion and a quantitative one, since both types of methodology are used.

Narration: First, we'll do a search for an article that uses the term mixed method. Since authors could use mixed method or mixed methodology, you can shorten your search keywords to just mixed method and add an asterisk at the end. This will find alternate word endings on method, such as methodology. Placing two words inside quotation marks tells the database to search for these words together as a phrase.

Narration: You'll also want to add a topic area keyword to your search, which will help drop out any how to articles on methodology. For this search, I'm using post-traumatic stress disorder as my topic area. Be aware that mixed method research is still fairly uncommon. So if you choose a very focused topic, you may get zero results. We can try the same search using qualitative and quantitative.

Narration: By telling the database to find both terms, we're going to get some mixed method studies that have chosen to label each type of methodology used. You can see that there are over 700 results that name these two types of methodology. To be sure that your article is actually using the methodology you want, you'll need to open the full text and look at the methodology section. There, you will find a detailed description of the methods used, so you can verify you found a mixed methods study.