Linking Google Scholar to the Walden Library
Transcript Title: Linking Google Scholar to the Walden Library
Visual: Google Scholar Homepage
Narration: In the upper right corner of the Google Scholar page you’ll find a gear icon labeled Settings. Click the icon to open the Scholar Settings.
Visual: Scholar Settings
Narration: On the left click library links.
Visual: Scholar Settings – Library links
Narration: Now you need to type Walden in the search box and click Find Library. Check the box in front of Walden University – Find at Walden and click Save.
Visual: Google Scholar Homepage
Narration: Now when you search Google Scholar you will find links for articles available in the Walden Library labeled Find at Walden.
Visual: Google Scholar results
Narration: On the right you’ll see the Find at Walden links. Clicking on the Find at Walden link searches all of the Walden University Library databases and will link you to the full text of the article.
Visual: Full text article loading
Narration: If you’re not already logged in to the library, then you will be asked to login before it opens the full text. Because it’s searching all of the databases it may take a moment to fully load.