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Finding Walden Ph.D. dissertations

Video link: Finding Walden Ph.D. dissertations

Begin Transcript


Visual: Library Homepage

Narration: This video demonstrates how to find Walden Ph.D. dissertations only in the Dissertations database. On the Walden Library homepage go to

the Start Your Research tab in the top left. From the dropdown menu click Dissertations.


Visual: Dissertations page

Narration: In the Walden Dissertations box, click Dissertations & Theses at Walden University.


Visual: ProQuest Dissertations database search screen

Narration: Now you are on a search screen. You should

see a page with three search rows. If you see only one search row,

as in this example, click the Advanced Search link.


Visual: ProQuest Dissertations database Advanced Search screen

Narration: In the top search box enter keywords for a topic you’d like to find dissertations about, possibly similar to your own topic.

Keep in mind there are fewer dissertations on topics than there are articles, so we want to keep the topic broad.


For example:

teacher evaluation


If you wish to find only Ph.D dissertations we need to eliminate other types of degrees and capstones such

as Ed.D. or D.B.A. project studies and doctoral studies from the search.

To do this, type in the second search box:



Now change the "Anywhere except full text—All" box to "Degree—DG" by clicking the down arrow and selecting "Degree-DG". Click Search


Visual: Dissertations database results screen

Narration: All of these are Ph.D. dissertations on the topic we selected. Looking at other students’ completed dissertations on a topic similar to your own and vie

wing their works cited can be a helpful way

to find more resources for your own literature review