How to locate research articles on a business topic.
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Visual: Welcome PowerPoint slide
In this short video, we will walk through how to locate business and management related articles in the Walden Library.
Visual: PowerPoint slide with Library homepage URL
To begin, you will start by going to the Walden Library homepage. You can access the homepage by going to .
Visual: PowerPoint slide with the phrase Small Business Failure
The next step is to develop your keywords by creating a list of relevant terms. This will make the process easier while entering keywords into the database. The topic I’ve chosen to demo is Small Business Failure.
Visual: PowerPoint slide with the keywords SME, Small and Medium Enterprises
Let’s start by breaking apart our topic. The first subtopic Small Business could be described in other ways. The other keywords I’ve used to describe Small Business is:
Visual: PowerPoint slide with the keywords closure, bankruptcy, and exit.
The next subtopic Failure also has some related terms we could use:
Feel free to add any other terms that might be related.
Visual: Business Source Complete advanced search page
I am going to do a sample search in the Business Source Complete database. It is one of our business and management subject databases.
Visual: Business Source Complete advanced search page with the search string "small business" OR SME OR "small and medium enterprises" typed into the first search field.
Now let’s type or paste our keywords related to Small Business in to the first search field.
The quotations search for that exact phrase. The OR tells the database to search for any of those terms.
Visual: Business Source Complete advanced search page with the search string Fail* OR closure OR bankrupt* OR death typed into the second search field.
In the second search field we are going to type or paste keywords related to failure.
I’ve put an asterisk at the end of the truncated version of the words in the search string. This will search for any ending of those words. For example, by putting an asterisk at the end of fail, we are also looking for failed, failing, or failure. It will help expand our results.
Visual: scrolls down advanced search page to the peer review limiter.
If you need peer reviewed articles, be sure to scroll down and check the box next to Peer Reviewed Scholarly Journals. If you don't need peer reviewed scholarly journals, feel free to leave that check box unchecked.
Visual: scrolls to the top of the Business Source Complete advanced search page
Scroll back to the stop and hit Search.
Visual: Business Source Complete results list.
There will now be a results list of articles related to your topic. Scroll down until you find an article that seems relevant to you. Click on the title to review the abstract or select the PDF or HTML option to open the full text.
Visual: Walden Library's Ask a Librarian page.
If you have any questions or need help researching your topic, feel free to contact the Library at Ask a Librarian.
Created May 2021 by Walden University Library