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How to search CINAHL

Walden Library Video Transcript for: How to search CINAHL video

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Visual: Advanced search page in CINAHL
Narration: The CINAHL Plus database is the best resource for finding nursing research literature. Select the link for the database and log into the library if you haven’t already. You will be directed to an advanced search screen in the CINAHL database after logging in.

Visual: Advanced search boxes at top of advanced search page
Narration: You want to examine and separate the major concepts of your research question and place them into individual boxes. For example if you need research articles on childhood obesity in the last 5 years, enter obesity in the first search box and child in the second search box.

Visual: Limit your results menu
Narration: To apply limits to the search results scroll down the screen to the section labeled Limit your results. Select the option in the right column for Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals. Just below this option you will see the date limit. In the first year box enter the furthest year you need for example if you need the last 5 it would be 2007. Finally, if you just need a few good articles select the box on the left to limit to full text.

Visual: List of search results
Narration: Then click the green Search button near the top to run your search. You will be directed to the results page. On that results page you will see a list of articles related to your topic. You can select the PDF full text link below the citation to access the full text article.

Visual: Article full record view
Narration: Selecting the title of the article will load the record for it in the database. There is information here that may be helpful including the Cite feature on the right for APA citations and the permalink to access record again.