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Google Scholar advanced search


Google Scholar Advanced Search

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Visual: Google Scholar homepage

Narration: Here we are at the Google Scholar main search page. I want to show you how you can find the advanced search features within Google Scholar.

Narration: To find the advanced search features in Google Scholar you will need to look in the upper left corner for the menu icon.

Visual: Advanced search box

Narration: When you click the icon you will be presented with a menu.  One of the options toward the bottom is the advanced search.  When you click on this option you will be presented with a popup box, and this box is the advanced search within GS.

Narration: You will notice that the top four search boxes allow you to enter words or phrases, and GS will handle those words or phrases differently, depending on the boxes you use.

Narration: Below these boxes you have the option to search within the articles themselves, or only search within the titles of articles.

Narration: You can also search for articles written by specific authors, or articles published within specific publications. 

Narration: You can also search for articles published within a specific date range, like within the last three or five years.

Narration: Once you’ve entered in all the information you can click the blue search button below to run your search.