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Theorist search in a database

Video link:  Theorist Search in a Database

Begin transcript

Visual:  Advanced search box in SocINDEX

Narration:  This short video will demonstrate a search in an article database for a theorist and his theories.

You can search in a database such as SocINDEX to look for more information about theories or theorists by using  the Subject Terms link, located on the top of the page.

Visual:  Subject Terms search page

Narration:  If we wanted to find articles related to Karl Marx we could simply type in Marx and click on browse. 

Visual:  Results of Marx search on Subject Terms page

Narration:  That will bring up all of the subject headings related to Marx and his theories.  Select the one that most closely relates to your topic and click on search.

Visual:  Article results of Marxist Philosophy search

Narration:  This allows us to retrieve all of the articles that are associated with the theory we’re searching, in this case Marxist philosophy.

Now we have a collection of articles to read to gain more knowledge and broaden our understanding of the theory .

Visual:  Library home page

Narration:  And remember, if you have any questions, you can always Ask A Librarian.