Find an article on Health Care Delivery
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Visual: Walden Library home page
Narration: This video will demonstrate how to find a current, popular press article on a social, economic, technological, ethical, or legal issue that impacts health care delivery in the United States.
One of the best Library databases for popular press or newspaper articles is the ProQuest Central database.
Visual: Clicking on the Articles by Topic button.
Narration: To access the ProQuest Central databases from the Library home page, click on the Articles by Topic button.
Visual: Scrolling down to the Multidisciplinary databases area and clicking on ProQuest Central.
Narration: Scroll down until you see the Multidisciplinary databases area and click on ProQuest Central. If you haven't already logged in to the Library databases, you will be prompted to log in with your myWalden Portal user name and password.
Visual: ProQuest Central advanced search screen
Narration: When you enter the database you should see the Advanced Search screen. If you don't see this screen, it's because the database has taken you to the Basic Search page.
Visual: Basic Search screen
Narration: If you are on the Basic Search page, to access the Advanced Search screen, click on the Advanced Search link under the search box.
Visual: Advanced Search page
Narration: In the first search box enter Health Care. In the second search box, next to AND, enter United States.
Visual: Clicking on Add a row
Narration: If you already know what social, economic, technological, ethical, or legal issue that you wish to focus on, you can add it to your search by clicking on Add a row below the search boxes. This will add an additional search box where you can enter the issue you are interested in.
Visual: Clicking on the drop-down menu next to Publication date
Narration: To limit your results to only current articles, go down below the search boxes and next to Publication date change the drop-down menu to Last 3 months.
Visual: Scrolling down to the Source Type area
Narration: Now we just need to limit this search to only popular press items. To do this, scroll down until you see the Source Type area. This box allows us to select what sources our results will come from. The most common popular press publications are magazines and newspapers. Scroll down in the Source Type box and click in the boxes to the left of Magazines and Newspapers to select these types of sources..
Visual: Scrolling to the top of the screen
Narration: Now scroll back up to the top and click on the Search button to run your search.
Visual: ProQuest Central Results Screen
Narration: You will now see a list of magazine and newspaper articles that were published in the last three months on health care and the United States. To open an article click on the Full Text link.