Navigating E-books: Ebook Central (formerl ebrary)
Video link: Navigating ebooks: Ebook Central (formerly ebrary)
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Visual: ebrary landing page for Tork & Grunt’s Guide to Effective Negotiations
Narration: This short video will demonstrate how to navigate an ebook using the ebrary interface.
Initially you will find detailed publication information on the right-hand portion of the screen. Across the top, in the center you’ll see the title of the book as well as the name of the author. On the left-hand side you’ll see an image of book as it appears in print format. Underneath are links to read online and to download, when available. Printing of library ebooks is always restricted. The center portion here will tell you how many pages are printable; in this case we can print up to 62 pages.
To enter the book we will click on the Read Online link.
Visual: Landing page for Tork & Grunt’s Guide to Effective Negotiations content in ebrary
Narration: On the left-hand side you’ll see a search box, where you can search the content of the book.
Visual: Typing the word compromise into the search box
Narration: Enter your search term and click on search.
Visual: Left pane search results open
Narration: These bars will show where your search term appears most frequently in the book, in this case Part 1. Click on the arrow to open. This will show your search term in context as well as tell you what page it’s available on.
Visual: Book opens to page 20
Narration: Click on any of the links to land on that page.
To return to the Table of Contents, look for the icon for Table of Contents on the far left.
Visual: Return left pane to table of contents
Narration: You can always go directly to a specific chapter by clicking on the title of the chapter in the table of contents.
Visual: Book opens to chapter 7
Narration: To maximize screen usage you can close out this left pane by clicking on the x at the top.
Visual: Left pane closes out
Narration: To page through the book you can use your mouse, the scroll-bar over on the right-hand side, or go page one page at a time, forward and backward, using the arrows.
Visual: Moves to page 73
Narration: You can also type in a specific page number.
This tool bar across the top has many different features. You can download the full book or a chapter at a time depending upon availability.
Visual: Print drop-down options appear
Narration: You can print from here., Iit will offer current page, you can enter a page range, or you can print the current chapter.
Visual: Back to main book display
Narration: Other tools available include highlighting, bookmarking, zooming out, and zooming in.
Visual: Zoom in view of page
Narration: There are many other tools to explore here, and most of the ebook interfaces have these tools available. Take some time to explore, it will save you time down the road.
If you have any questions you can contact the library.