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Use the Education Source database to find Articles that cite Barr and Tagg

Use the Education Source database to find Articles that cite Barr and Tagg

Video Link: Use the Education Source database to find Articles that cite Barr and Tagg


Begin Transcript: 


Visual: Library home page

Narration: This short video will demonstrate how to search one of our library databases for articles that cite the authors Barr and Tagg.

To start, click on the Articles by Topic button found on the library homepage.

Visual: Select a Subject page

Narration: On the select a subject page select Education from the center of the page.


Visual: Education page, Education Databases box

Narration: For this search we will want to use one of the main education databases.  That means either ERIC or Education Source.  For this particular search we're going to use Education Source.


Visual: Education Source database advanced search page

Narration: In the database in the first box you'll type in the author's last names.  So, Barr and Tagg in the first search box. Now, when looking for articles that cite Barr and Tagg you'll find their names in two locations: on the reference list and also in the text where it is cited as an in-text citation.

In order to find those instances will have to search the full text of the article.

To do this, change the Select A  Field drop-down menu to TX all text fields.

Now, because Barr and Tagg may have written more than one article together we want to also include a portion of the title of a specific article that we’re interested in.

So in the second search box type in: from teaching to learning.  Again, change select a field to: TX all text and click search.


Visual: search results page

Narration: On the results page we can limit to peer review if we want to, by the options on the left side.

Check the box for peer-reviewed scholarly journals.

That takes us down to about 600 results.

Now you can rearrange your results by changing the order from relevance to date newest.  

You do this in the search results right above there on the right side.  You'll see: relevance.  

Change that to date newest and that will just reorder your results so that the newest publication is on the top.

To verify the authors have actually been cited within the article that you select, you can look at the full text of the PDF.  We’ll  open the PDF and  it might take a few seconds to download.


Visual: pdf of an article

Narration: When we get in the PDF we want to check the reference list.

You can scroll down or page down to the bottom of the article and check the reference list.

Here you can see in the references that Barr and Tagg, From Teaching to Learning has been cited.

A quick way to see where the article may have been cited, is to use the Find option. Hold down the control key and the F key simultaneously and that opens the Find box.


Visual: Find search box in a pdf

Narration: Simply type in the author's last name, Barr, and click next.   You might have to click Next twice but it will take you to where it is cited in the text.

Here you can see it cited in the introduction.

If we click Next again it takes us back to the reference list, so it's only been used one time in this article.


Visual: Database screen with ‘Results List’ in upper left corner.

Narration: If you want to see other articles that might use Barr and Tagg in their citations, go back to your database search and click on the results list in the upper left corner.


Visual: Database search results screen

Narration: From there you just simply select another PDF that you want to investigate and follow the same steps.

As always if you have any questions you can always ask a librarian.  In this database there's a link in the upper right hand corner that will take you to our Ask-a-Librarian service.  Just click on that to contact us!


Created January 2017 by Walden University Library