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Verifying Images using Google Images

Image Verification Search with Google Images

Recording Link:

Visual:                Walden University Library Facebook Page; Post with image of Meryl Streep and Kim Burton (Walden Librarian)

Narration:        Hi!  This is a quick video to show you how you can check if a photo has been copied from some else on the internet

Right now I am at the Walden University Facebook.  Here is a post I put up of myself and Meryl Streep when we went to the Oscar’s last February. 

Visual:                Open post with picture of Meryl Streep and Kim Burton

Narration:        And you may be thinking to yourself “Is this true?  Is that really a picture of Kim with Meryl Streep?”  There is an easy way for you to find out.

All you have to do is right click on the image and then click on copy image address

Visual:                Google Search page

Narration:        Then Go to Google, in the upper right hand corner click on images

Visual:                Google images search page

Narration:        In the search box, click on the camera icon

Paste the photo address and click search by image

Visual:                Google Images Search result page

Narration:        Then from the results you can click on the very first one, and there’s the picture of Meryl and I am not in it.  So obviously, that was not a true photo.

There you go, that’s how you can check your photos on line!  Thanks for watching!