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Find an article by DOI in Google Scholar

Find an article by DOI in Google Scholar

Video link:

Visual: Walden Library homepage

Narration:  Hello.  This short video will show you find an article by its doi using Google Scholar.  This is one of the most effective ways of accessing an article when you have the doi.

First, we need to go to Google Scholar website and we will do that through the Walden Library.

From the Walden Library's homepage. Go to Search and Find, and then scroll down and click on Google Scholar.


Visual: Google Scholar search box on Walden Library site

Narration:        This search box is already configured to search the Library's collections using Google Scholar. Now, if you find something in Google Scholar that the Library has there will be a link to access the resource in the Walden Library

If you are accessing Google Scholar directly from its main site,, you will need to manually link Google Scholar with the Library databases.  Instructions to do so can be found right here at this Manually link Google Scholar to Walden Library link

Now let’s find an article by its doi.  Type the doi in the search box.  Only type the numbers starting with the number starting with 10, do not type the letters DOI


Visual:                10.1080/10875301.2016.1240736 typed the in search box

Narration:        Hit the search button


Visual:                Google Scholar results page

Narration:        The top result should be the article you are looking for. 

Look to the right of the article for a link to the Walden Library. 

This Find@Walden link will bring you to a database, or a list of databases, that may contain this article.  You can check each database for it.

Sometimes there will be a pdf or an html link next to the results.  This means the article is available online for free, and if you can click here to see that article online.

If there are no links to the right of the article it means that GS could not find it free online, nor could it find it in the Walden Databases.  

But that is OK, because you can always ask a librarian.


Visual: Library home page

Narration:        If you go back to the Walden Library banner, click on Ask a Librarian


Visual:                Ask A Librarian page

Narration:        And then click on Email.  You can send us the doi you are looking for and we will look it up for you to help you to get access.  So that’s how you can find an article by doi using Google Scholar.

Thank you for watching.

Walden Library October 2017