Transcript - Introduction to Researching Theory for Business & Information Technology - Oct 24 2019

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Introduction to Researching Theory for Business & Information Technology


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>>: Good afternoon everybody or good morning depending on your time zone.  Thank you for joining me today.  My name is Audrey and I am the liaison to the College of Management and Technology.  May be my face is familiar to you if you have been to other webinars I have taught at.  Today we will talk about researching for theory as it can be really tricky because sometimes it is not a straightforward path.  I think I picked an example that will be a good example and we can kind of resolve it.

Hopefully, we will have time at the end as I don't think it will go the whole hour.  It just depends on how many questions you will have and I'm sure you will have great questions along the way.

I will try to save time at the end if you want an example of a theory or a research topic they are doing and trying to find a relevant theory.

As the webinar goes on today, I will try to keep an eye on the questions box and hopefully everyone can hear me and see my screen okay.  If someone can type into the questions box and just let me know, that would be helpful.

Also, this will be recorded for anyone who registered so it does not matter if you are here or you have a buddy in the class with you that registered, but they are busy and cannot make it, everyone will get a link to the recording.  There will also be – the recording will be linked on the webinars archive page and I will show you where that is as well.

I will go ahead and turn off my screen as I am not the most interesting part of today's webinar.  I will go ahead and turn this off.

Let's go ahead and dip into the agenda.

I am not going to spend too much time on library resources, just an overview if you know how to get help.  We will get right in.  If you want more help with general research, using the databases, we have other webinars that would be really great for that.  May be general instruction on the website or you can contact the library and I will show you how to do that as well.

We will do search examples, look for theories in articles, theory and dissertations and theory in the encyclopedia.

I will show you how to do each one of those.  If you have questions along the way, I will try to keep an eye on the questions box as it can be distracting going back and forth, but I will keep an eye on it.  If you need me to repeat something, if you need me to slow down, do put that in the questions box and I will keep that in consideration while I am presenting.

That is what we will talk about today.

I don't see any questions, just comments letting me know that you can hear and see me.

Heading down to the power point, hopefully many of you have already been to the Walden library homepage or just the library in general.

First, I want to point out you can contact the library for help.  You will click on ask a librarian button in the upper left‑hand corner.  I am assuming many of you are doctoral students and there could be a few Masters and undergraduate students who are curious.  Just know any level of program, you can e‑mail, chat and voicemail.  If you are a doctoral student, if you are struggling with researching, your problem statement, looking for articles on your topic, looking for theory, there could be all sorts of different things you are trying to research as far as lead review or problem statement or proposal.  It could be all over the board.

Know that you can come and make an appointment with me or if your topic goes over into health sciences or education, you can speak with another liason and as well and it is not just have to be me.

You will find me under the call to management technology.

If you have not seen this note yet, know that we are switching our software for appointments.  We are trying to get that flushed out and hopefully new appointments will be available November 1.  We will try to get that updated as fast as we can once the software is initiated.

If you don't see anything and you really want to try to make an appointment with me before the first or after the first, but nothing has popped up, feel free to e‑mail me directly or e‑mail the librarian to say I would like to make an appointment with the business and management IT librarian and they will forward your request to me and we can work one on one.

Hopefully there are no questions about that.

The next thing I want to point out is the subject research homepage that we have.

I will take you to the business and management research homepage, but if you happen to be IS, IT, you can go into the IS/IT as it will have similar resources.  Business and management, I am taking you here because there is a list of databases that we can work with and I will demo a search and business source complete.

Before we even dig into that, I am going to show you the research section we have at the bottom.  I am going to open up the business theory guide that I made.  It is going to show some of the information we will go over in today's webinar.  I will not work from the guide, I just want you to know where it is and that it is available to you.

If you go under theories and theorists, it gives you these links to the business theory guide or it will take you to the resources within them.  The last thing I will have you do – we have learned more about business theory and theorist and that will open up the business theory guide.

A lot of the information we are covering today will be found in here.  If anybody wants me to walk through how I got here, please put that in the questions box as I know that is a lot of clicking.

From here, one of the things that I generally suggest students try – I will scroll way down, but I made a dummy list and Excel spreadsheet you can use to keep track of your theories if you want to.  It is not required.  I have it listed right here.  I have opened it up to make life easier.  Is a place where you can store the name of the theory, seminal author, if you have the citation for it, how many times you found it, how the theory was used and how many times the work cited author was cited since it has been published.  These are notes for your reference and are things that are not required.  I think they may be helpful to keep track of that, especially when you're just trying to figure out what theory may work best for your research topic.

Now, if you do have questions about that, there should be back in the same section, Dr. Reggie Taylor has a webinar that he has done, which I think was theory alignment or framework alignment and that is linked under the theories and theorist tab on the business and management resource homepage.  That gives them great guidance on how that works.  As a librarian, I am not here to tell you which you choose, I'm here to help you find information on those theories.  There will be more articles discussing or using those theories.

I am always happy to help you and point you in the right direction.  If you are not sure, do not be afraid to ask as we are happy to say that is a good faculty question or maybe you could reach out to the center of research quality or other resources that may be of use to you.

Do not be shy about asking questions because that is what we are here for.

The reason I opened up – I already closed it.  The reason that I will keep that open this time, when we go back to the database, I will open up the business source page.  When you are researching theory, you don't have to use business source complete, you will use the different databases looking for articles on your topic using a particular theory and it will not be just one.

I tend to demo business source complete because the search interface is the easiest one to look at.

Especially when you are just figuring out – I am showing someone how to use it efficiently, it is most clear.

The research topic that I had chosen here was employee turnover because this is such a popular topic.  I made some notes.  This may go – there are steps in here that I have noted all of them, but it is not always a straight line and it can be confusing even for the library and.  Keep that in mind, but if you have questions along the way, just let me know.

What I will do next is click on peer‑reviewed scholarly journals.  I will hit search.  We have a search results list of 3300 and that is a lot.  That is fine.  What you can do is if you wanted to narrow this down by industry or geographic location or demographic, that could help you.  For this webinar, all I will show you is where you are going to find the theories in the articles themselves.  The tricky part about the searches or when you are looking for the articles is that the theory is not always indexed as a subject term.  It is not always discussed in the author supplied abstract.

I will open this first article and you will see what I mean.

Here is the author supplied abstract that the author provides the publisher, which turns over to the databases and gets entered.

Sometimes, the authors will add whatever theory they are using to this abstract.  Sometimes they don't.  If they don't, it does not mean they are not using a theory or concept, it just means it is not listed in there.

I will show you another search to sift through these articles to look for theories.  I just want to point out that the database is really only looking through – and less the article is in HTML, it is looking at the subject terms, author, abstract information and key terms.

I will go ahead and open up one of these articles.

You will have your abstract, introduction and the abstract is not always on there, but you will have an introduction section.  The introduction section or sometimes it will be labeled as lead review is definitely going to be your area to reference immediately to figure out what theory they are using.  I am doing a page search, control F if you have a PC or a Mac, I don't know what the symbol is, but it is the same thing with – it looks like something that was on a rotary phone.

If you can remember, put it in the questions box and I will bring it up.

You can search by theory or if you want to type in theorist or framework, or any term to help you sift through the document a little faster.

In this case, keep an eye on is this a theory they are using or is it a theory they are comparing?  Are they talking about it not using or not using it?  There are 17 mentions is, social reproduction theory.  You can copy that.  You can come back to that if you have read a little bit about this in the introduction section, what it is about to come how is it relevant to the person's research and how is it relevant to turn over.  If that is your topic, this is all dependent on your topic.

There is quite a bit in here that they have discussed.  Once you have figured out if this is something of interest or if you want to keep a list going, the next thing you can do is they will give you a author.  This particular article did not.  Many times they will pick an article that is newer that references the theory and gives context as to why the theory is relevant to the research topic.

Keep that in mind while you are looking through here.  Generally, with your information it will be in the introduction, but you may also find it in the research methods section as well depending on how that is set up.

This is dependent upon how they design it.  Not everyone will label at the same way, although the search and find feature you can use in the browser or if you download the article in Adobe, you can do the same thing.  Search and find is great because it saves you time.

The only time that may not work, search and find function is if it is an old article that has been scanned in.  The search and find function may not work as well because it is an image as opposed to a text document.

A seminal author is what?  Great question.  The seminal author could be who originally published that theory.  I should give some more context to that.

If you have heard of Herzberg, motivation theory, he would be the seminal author.  Over the course of time, people may take that theory and alter it a little bit and it may get rebranded, changed names.  It is important to know who the seminal author is.  The original theorist.  What the actual citation was.  Was at a book they publish, and article they published?  I will do another – I will open up a few more articles, but I will open up and grab the theory they are using and we will do a little search and the encyclopedias and we will search in the dissertations database and Google scholar.

It gives you an idea of how do I actually track down the seminal author?  I look at the theory over time and how do I look at articles using that theory related to your topic?

You are welcome as I am happy to cover any questions you have.

We have looked at this one article so let's move on.  I like the ones that are in HTML because it makes my life easier as far as searching.

I looked at them earlier just to remind myself what was in them.  Every time I do this webinar, I have to rerun the search because the results change.  I have to make sure that I am guiding you through the right content.

Some articles are going to have a much longer theories list or give you a more context for theories in that area.  This is one of those articles.  I think it is interesting when you are looking through them that maybe they will be talking about six different theories and give you a lot of context over them.

I will scroll down.

Here is one of the theories that they listed.  The only reason I scrolled down is because it happens to be a header.  If you search this document, I am sure that we would find theory – we see it 47 times and that is a lot.  There could be expectancy theory and they are giving context for other theories, image theory.  This may give you more context as to the different theories in your field.  You could take – if you had one that was of interest, I don't even know if it is relevant, it is one of those things where you definitely would have to spend time reading the article, not necessarily the whole article, but the introduction and the literature to figure out how is this working, how would they use it and what is the context?

You could come over here and say Smith and I was looking through the articles, I saw it five times, how did they use it and it is up to you how to explain it.

This is not required at all, sometimes I have questions from students, as far as my appointments go looking for theory.  It can be so time‑consuming to look through all of this content.  Trying to keep it straight can be helpful.

That is the one way I thought of doing it was keeping a spreadsheet.  If you have another way of doing it, that is awesome and this is just a dummy example.

I will head back to the search results list.  I will open up the HTML.

In this particular article, they are talking about social identity theory and psychological contract theory.  You have noticed it is discussed in here 12 times.  You can flip through and see where are they discussing more about social identity theory?  Let's see what else they have about social identity theory.

May be that seems interesting.

This is probably a really good example.  Reading about this, you will see it listed here.  Try to keep an eye out for the citations.  The and text citation will give you an idea as these are really odd.  Who this author is, who is talking about this theory over a certain amount of time.

I spent time double checking who this author was for this particular theory.  You will notice that I am not going to say the name correctly so I won't even try.  This author is the seminal author or theorist or that theory.

It did change over time.  I will kind of walk through how you can figure that out.  You can look at the context for the theory on encyclopedias.  Before I do, I will show you something in the database.

I will borrow social identity theory and that will be the theory we have used.  If you want to scroll down, you will see that some of these citations are listed you will just go down to these references.  You will look at the references listed here.  There are three different citations from the same author.  1974, 1986 and 2004.  It is one of those things where 1974 is the seminal work where he initially published on social identity?  Is the one from 1986 or the one from not too thousand four, it can be helpful to take a look at the older citations and copy and paste them in there.

If you have what you think is the oldest citation for social identity theory, when I am walking through this, I have done this demo in the past and I have walked through it with students.  I always tell them, I am looking at this for 15 to 25 minutes depending on how much buffer time I have been given from you and what you have given me to research.

It is up to you to find the seminal work and figure out how to progress in overtime.

Let's head back to the Walden library.  I am going to head back to the homepage.  What we are going to do next – I was going to run a search on theory so you could see what happens when you limit it.  Before I even up the encyclopedia, if you are getting sick of having to sift through the results, you just want to look at the articles that are discussing theory.  Maybe you could say framework.

Let's go ahead and run that search.  That dropped the search by 2200.  This could be helpful and it could also be a roadblock.  That theory itself is not always mentioned by author and it is not something that is indexed all the time.  When I say indexed, you will see in the subject terms, leader number exchange theory pops up.  That means that the article has been indexed with that subject term.  Not all of them have.  The rest of these probably have some kind of author notation in their abstract about theory.

You get the point.  If you do put in theory, that will limit your results and could be helpful or a hindrance depending on what you are looking for.  If you want to see how many of these we are down to 11 and that is specifically because the articles did not discuss it in the abstract or the subject terms in the databases.  We will grab this same search and search for and Google scholar.  We will go back to the encyclopedia and I want to show you how fast searching for theory can limit your results or a specific theory can limit your results in the databases.

This is not a bad thing, but it can be disheartening for students sometimes when they are looking for more literature.

If you look at more resources, and I will take a quick sip of water in case you need a second to catch up.

From more resources, you will click on encyclopedias handbooks and dictionaries.  He will click on SAGE knowledge.  SAGE knowledge contains encyclopedias and handbooks and this can be helpful for concepts theories and any bit you want more background information on.

I will borrow that same.  I will paste in the title of that theory and I put it in quotation marks.  I should have explained what that does in the database.  What you can do is use the quotations to search the exact phrase.  Do not break it apart and do not put it in a different order is what you're telling the database to do.  You will get more exact results.  This can help you find more relevant content.  It can also kill your search really fast.

If you want to see how much is out there, keep the quotation marks off.  If you are looking for something specific, go ahead and try the quotation marks to see what you get.

I'm searching for social identity theory.

It looks like we have two different entries.  That is awesome.  We will click on the first one.  This gives you some background information of what is in here and an introduction to that theory as well as the origin to the theory.

I thought they give you an outline on the page, but there is a lot.  It will give you some more information about what is going on with this theory.  You can scroll through here and go faster, but for this demo, we are just going to worry about the origins.

We found the author again.  I will not ruin his last name, but just know that it looks like there are older citations, older than the one we had before.  1974.  If you scroll down, there is another in 1971.  If you scroll down, you will see there are several more listed here.

It is up to you as students to come in here and research to come in and get context of the origins of the theory, figure out which article or book he published at first talked about it and then you can come and grab that citation.

This is good to have the context for.  If you go all the way down, take is a pretty good list of his work and that is awesome.

Dating back to 1969, is it 1969, 1974, where do we go?  That would be discussed in the origin of the theory.  Another thing you can do is to have completed dissertations.  We can learn a little bit more as they have already done some of that legwork.

It looks like there is a request to come back to the encyclopedias or explain how I got to the encyclopedias and I will walk through that one more time.

We will click on more resources and I will go slowly again on that.  I know where all the buttons are so it is easy for me to click the red.

The next thing is click on encyclopedias and dictionaries.  You will have SAGE knowledge.  Before you even open that up, if you are confused as to which we used, keep in mind when looking at this, SAGE research methods is really great for methodology and that is what the database is for.  I always think of it as SAGE knowledge and I can know anything about anything.  Research methods is specific to methodology.

We will you SAGE knowledge and we will type in the theory again and click search.  Not every theory is going to be in here.  I know that is frustrating, but if it is something where the context for the theory is not super clear, make an appointment or e‑mail the library and we will do our best to help you track down where the origin of the theory is and how it evolved over time to give you context to research that.  We are happy to do that.  Sometime students will pick a brand‑new theory, which is fine, but there may not be as much research out there using the theory, that can be a struggle when trying to discuss it in the lit review.  It is a theory from the '90s, but was popular five or six years and then people use an alternative form at the theory that someone had altered it a little bit.

There is a lot of things that could be going on with the theory.

A student typed in a theory they would like me to try.

I will use that as my demo as we should have plenty of time.  I will come back to that once I do an example.

Sometimes I can demo someone else's theory and do a straight line as I'm doing right now.  I found it, here is information and the context and here is how we find more information on the topic with the theory.  Sometimes it requires a lot more digging.

I will use that theory as an example and run it through the search the second time.

We founded in the encyclopedia.  The next thing that we are going to do is we are going to go back to the homepage and we are going to look at dissertations.  I will give you just a moment to figure out – if you want, I can go back as I know you are probably looking at the last page. 

At the library homepage, you click on dissertations and then we will look at Walden specifically, but you are more than welcome to branch out and use the global database.  This will show you dissertations from all over the world, which can be helpful because you want to see how many people have used this theory on this topic from everywhere. 

The reason I will use the Walden Pacific dissertation database is that you still will get the context for how did the theory evolved over time, but you will see how they incorporated the theory into their research‑based of a rubric that may be relevant to you.  Some of these you may find – I was looking earlier and there may be dissertations and other program areas that are using your theory and that is fine.  You are there to look at the references and figure out more context.

I will go ahead and open that up and I am going to run – I think I ran the same search.  I want to make sure I am not driving you crazy with me flipping through these pages.

We are just going to do the theory.  The next thing is linked to the last five years.  If you want to make this more specific, you could say turnover, but for right now, I am not going to worry about that, I will just worry about the theory.

You can come in here and look through these dissertations.  Some of these will be outside of business and IT and that is not a problem.  It is one of those things where you can look at the references and grab what you need to grab and move on.  If you want to narrow it by degree, you can certainly do that.

The one that I had chosen is not in here.  The database is playing tricks on me.  That is fine.  What we can do from here is open up the full text at the dissertation.  This one was in the college or social and behavioral sciences.  It will tell you what it was four, Public policy and that is fine.  The only difference is that if you are in a doctoral program, when looking at the table of contents, it is set up a little differently than if you are in a doctoral program.

You could look at the section on theoretical framework.  In the lit review section, they may have a section specifically on that theory.

You could start by looking at page 17.  I forgot where the other page was.

I will answer the question that just popped up in a second.  We will go to page 17.  Here the students are talking about the three different theories they have used.  I don't see the citation.

This is talking about social identity and it does not look like they have a ten have citations for the social identity theory, but that is okay as it looks like they used an acronym.  I may have to look through this closer to figure out what the context was.

As far as the actual theory itself, what page was that on?  32.

Hopefully this will help answer the question that came in to the questions box.

The question was, if the theory has multiple authors, if it is not clear, who should you be siding or who do you pick?

I think that depends on what you are researching.  If you are not sure which to choose, I would ask your faculty member because they are going to be able to give you more context for that then I would ever be able to.

If you are really having a hard time figuring out how these are related or maybe researching them more specifically, I would make an appointment and we can talk about it.  It is not always a straight line and it is crazy sometimes.

We are happy to untangle that as much as we can.

Is it that you choose the oldest or all of the sightings of the author?  Generally, it is good to have context for the author because that gives you an origin of a theory.  When you're coming and talking about the theory related to your theory, you will be using your articles.  I will get to that in a moment when we search Google scholar.  Some of them may be older as that is understood because some of the theory information can be pretty old so I think your faculty members understand that.

That is why I am having you come in here and take a look.  You can get context for how much of the information do I need to have for the origin at the theory or how much information do I need to have of the theory related to the research topic?  That is why I suggest looking at Walden dissertations so that you get more context.  That is not always – you are looking at somebody else's research and reading about how they use the theory.  That will be different and the way that you have – you have a specific rubric and there will be different requirements.  That is why we see this coming and look at the Walden specific first and then go look at the dissertations global or the global dissertations database to get a feel of how many other doctors or alumni or students research this topic and use that theory.

We will do the same thing in Google scholar.  The context is just a little bit different, but I want you to have the option to look at both as it is important.

Let's give Google scholar a try.

Let's do social identity theory and that I will come back to that theory and the questions box.

Social identity theory.  Let's just figure out how much is out there on the specific theory.  One thing about Google scholar, it looks like there is a question on how I got here.  I don't know if let me to show you how I got to Google scholar.  If it were for the dissertation research, let me know and I would be happy to walk through that again.

Google scholar is at Google scholar .com.  It is like an academic Google only not – it is not as strict as the databases.  It will give you all sorts of context.  It will give you a text come in on peer‑reviewed content, there is peer‑reviewed content, but there is no way to limit it to peer review.

How I got here is .com and I can type that in here. .com and then once I got in here, I just type in social identity theory and hit search.

We have about 110,000 results and that is a lot.  The only thing that can happen in here that I think happens often or more often than I think it does is there may be more than one theory with the same name and that is bananas as I don't know why people don't Google that before they name something.  The other theories, there was not Google so you can do what you can do.

What you can do is if you want to look at the history of this particular theory, we could narrow it down to 2018.  There are 11,000 articles that have cited this theory since 2018 and it looks like it is still being used.  If we wanted to see how far it goes back, we saw articles from the 70s so we could say 1980.

If you click on custom range, you can enter it to help you narrow down the results list based on the actual publication date.  I am doing this and I will go into the past by saying the newest resources, the newest they can be his 1980.

You can take a look in here to figure out who cited it, what are the dates.  One of the tricky things about Google scholar is that some of these entries are not perfect.  I think it is one of those things where if you are able to use the encyclopedia to get more context, that is probably the best way to go.  If you are trying to get how it has changed over time, who is the original, how long did they talk about it, this is a great way to do it.

One of the articles we noticed before was this particular theorist.  If we wanted to see – this is kind of a shortcut you can do and Google scholar.  If you type in author, colon, and the author's last name, it will search for the author's name and Google scholar results list.

Now we only have articles that discuss social identity published by this author since 1980.

I am not going to say it does a perfect job of doing that.  Let's make it this way.

You can search by the author if you want to figure out that they published in 1979, 1978 and I saw there was an article from 1974.  Maybe they did not discuss social identity specifically.  Let's see everything that author did.

We have a lot to have entries for this particular author from 1980 and before.  You can go and look at it this way.

There is a lot of different ways to research the theory when in Google scholar.

I don't think I missed any questions.

If you want to look at social identity theory.  We will look at the topics.  We were looking at employee turnover.

The only reason I am using labor turnover is because it is another term the database likes to use.  We will get rid of the date range as well.

Using social identity theory, employee turnover or labor turnover, we have about 2500 results and that is a pretty good list.  Sometimes when you are in the databases, you will hit a dead end.  We had 11 here and that can seem like there is not a lot out there on your topic using that theory and that is not necessarily the case.  The only issue when searching the database is you are getting piecemeal.  This database has so many articles about employee turnover and social identity theory.  On Google scholar, using Google scholar to search for theory gives you the big picture and that can be very helpful.  He can give more context for how much is out there.

If you just want to see what was most recent, we will say 2016 and change the date range and we have 822 articles to search through.

Once you are in here, for those who have not used Google scholar, if anyone wants me to walk through how to link Google scholar, I can certainly do that.  I tend to save that for my intro and DBA lit review webinar, but if anyone has not watch those or don't know how to link Google scholar, I would be happy to show you how to do that.

Once you find an article that is of interest to you, you will click on the find it Walden.  It will load for you and it says this article is available in this database.  You click on the database and eventually it will load.

I should point out that when you get this message, it does not necessarily mean we don't have access to the article, it means the background software working between Google scholar and the Walden Library is not able to match up so it says it is not working or there is no full text and that is not necessarily the case.

We will come back to that in a minute as there are some request to show you how to connect Google scholar with the Walden library.

In the upper left‑hand corner you will click on this three horizontal bar.  You will click on settings and then library links and then you can type in Walden head you don't have to worry about the University as it is already something that will search and find Ford.  Walden is fine and then you will see this if you are in the United States and if outside of the United States, it is just there to help you find more stuff.  You checkmark Walden University and hit say.

I will walk through that one more time as I know that was kind of quick.  I do want to save time to demo that student’s theory as it is good for us to see me walk through it when it is not something I have preprogrammed so you can see how that works.

Through the three horse on the bar, we will click on settings and library links, type in Walden, hit search and click Walden University library, hit save.  You will see it pop up to the right.  I bring that up because when you click on the title, it will take you to the publisher and they will ask you for payment.  Make sure to access the articles through find it Walden or the open source PDF that you see on the right hand side.

Hopefully everyone got through that.  If you want me to send you an e‑mail, but that in the questions box and I will e‑mail you directly after the webinar see can do it step‑by‑step once this is done.  The theory they have is behavioral leadership theory.  Let's start by searching in the database.

This may be something where I made a typo or it is something that tends to be used in psychology or another area more often.

Let's go check out how much there is in Google scholar on that topic.

Just looking for the specific theory, there are 370.  I would not say that results list is fine, if you want to see how much content there is related to that theory in the last four or five years, you could change or date range and we are down to about a hundred.

We can give it a try and see if there is content on this in the encyclopedia.  Let's go ahead and do that.

I am always curious to see if there will be content.

Let's replace the one that I have and rerun this search.  There is nothing in sage knowledge and that is not a problem.  That means that we might have to find – maybe we can search by the author name or if there is a related theory that may discuss it a little bit, we may be able to do that.

The next thing I would do is look at the dissertation.  We can look at Walden specifically.  I think I still have this open so we will just go back a couple of pages.

Let's alter the search.  Behavioral leadership theory and hit search.

It looks like we have one dissertation that discusses that specific theory.  I want to open up that full text.  I did not like in Google scholar to see how old the citations for it were, but this will be helpful for that.

We can look at conceptual framework section first and then come down here to see if they have any other entries for that particular theory.  It is going to discuss at some time, a little bit about the information, although I do not see any citations, but I am sure there is more in here.  I am not going to spend too much time scrolling threats, but this is how I would narrow it down.  We want to see how much is out on the theory and I would see if there is more context for the theory and sage knowledge.  I would come back to the dissertation to figure out exactly how many people have used it and look at the references.

Let's try searching for this and the global dissertation database and maybe we will more hits.

Theory title, make sure when you are in the global dissertation database that you click on doctoral dissertation just because this particular database as both a Master’s thesis and the doctoral dissertation.  I want to make sure that you limit it to stuff that will be relevant to you.

It looks like we have 248, but I only see two of them highlighted with that particular theory in the abstract.  My guess is that the ones after the first two may or may not have that theory, but these definitely do.

That is kind of how I would search for that theory has we have already found the Walden dissertation.  It looks like there is one from the national University.

We have six minutes left so I will give you a minute to type in any questions that you might have.  If you want me to use the last six minutes to walk through the Google scholar link one more time, I think somebody wanted me to do it one more time.  If you still want me to go through linking Google scholar and Walden, I'm happy to do it one more time.

If you have a different question, feel free to put in the questions box as I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.  If it is related to Google scholar or searching through the databases, if you have any follow‑up questions, my e‑mail address will be attached to the follow‑up e‑mail that you get tomorrow.

The question was does the library have a set form we should follow for our searches for a dissertation?  No, there is not like you have to start here and end here.  Researching is all over the board.  There is not just one topic that you will be researching.  You could be researching employee turnover and also certain topics with a certain methodology or with a particular theory or you are using a specific that she may be doing a case study so you will look for articles with case studies.  There are all sorts of ways you will be – all these different topics and databases that you could be using.  If you are curious about research strategies in general, I would look at our recorded webinars as those are really great for that content.

The last thing someone said is can we have a recording?  Yes.  Everybody has registered and will get a follow‑up e‑mail and the next 24 hours and that will include a link to the recording, it will include a link to the business theory guide so that you don't have to try to find it again as that is a lot of steps and it would be easy to forget.  I know where it lives because I made it, but I don't expect you to memorize that.

After the webinar is done, no you will be prompted for a survey and you are not required to take it, it is just to say she did a great job with this or she could have done this better.  Know that is totally fine as I am often with critical or good comments as both will make me a better presenter.

The last question about the paid articles, can you get this force if needed?  If you see something asking you for payment, grab the citation and e‑mail the library and we will try to find it for you and full text.

I think that was the last question that came in.  Thank you so much for coming in on a break today or in your afternoon or your evening.  Depending on your time zone.  Thanks again and I look forward to seeing you at future webinars.



End Transcript


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