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Getting Started on the Proposal Writing Process

Getting started on writing the proposal means first becoming aware of the expectations for the specific document. Begin by reviewing our Introduction to Writing the Capstone document for the appropriate program:

These documents contain links to our Templates page, but students should also check out the Document Expectations page for more specific information on the formatting requirements of the actual document.

Next, we suggest students review the Preproposal and Proposal Starter Kits. The Kits are designed to help students get started on writing different parts of the capstone. Even though students are at the proposal stage, reviewing the Preproposal Kit first is often a helpful refresher. Then, students should review the Proposal Starter Kit for information on the proposal.

In addition, we suggest students log into the Library website and search Walden dissertations and doc studies for an exemplar that is focused on a similar topic and/or method design. This is a helpful introduction to what the document should look like, the information it should contain, and the overall type of achievement that is expected.

We also suggest students keep the following pages in mind as they begin to write: