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Capstone Writing Clinic Spring 2022

On Thursday, April 21, 2022, the Walden University Form and Style Editors hosted a Capstone Writing Clinic. The purpose of this clinic was to guide attendees through the steps involved in the capstone document phase of their degree. 

During this one-day event, attendees were guided through how the capstone is different from previous coursework, a demonstration of working with the university’s document templates, and guidance on the literature review process. 

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Writing the Abstract and Transitioning From Proposal to Final Study

Transitioning from proposal to final study can be a tricky endeavor. The proposal was a plan for research, but the final study is after that research is done. In this session, editors will discuss the how to update and transition your proposal so that your final document is cohesive and clear. Editors will also review best practices for the abstract, which is one of the most important—and most challenging—elements of the document because it must address all the major points of research in a single page. Available resources and other materials will be reviewed and an opportunity for Q&A will occur at the end as time allows.

Presenting Qualitative and Quantitative Data in the Capstone

After a capstone student has received approval for their proposal and IRB approval, they begin the process of collecting and analyzing data. In this session editors will review best practices for presenting data in a final study, including how best to use tables and figures to present data, as well as APA requirements for doing so. The session will include examples and discussion of presenting both qualitative and quantitative data in the capstone document, so the information will be applicable regardless of a student’s selected research method. Available resources and other materials will be reviewed and an opportunity for Q&A will occur at the end as time allows.

Before and After the Form & Style Review

In this session, editors discuss the purpose of the form and style review and where it occurs in the approval process. Presenters will discuss the final review of your document before submission to Form & Style Review, including reviewing the checklist and common errors to watch for. In addition, presenters will provide a review of what steps to take after your Form & Style Review is complete and how to prepare for ProQuest publication. Available resources and other materials will be reviewed and an opportunity for Q&A will occur at the end as time allows.

Scholarship After the Capstone Document

After completion of a final study, many doctoral graduates seek ways to disseminate their research beyond publishing their capstone in the ProQuest database. Receiving a doctorate means achieving the highest form of scholarship in the field and completion of a final study has prepared students for additional scholarship into the future. In this session, editors will review the Walden University Form & Style Postgraduation Kit available online, including suggestions for how to transition portions of a capstone into publishable articles and how to continue pursuing research and publication after degree completion.

Closing Remarks and a Review of Resources for Capstone Students

This brief closing session includes a review of writing resources available to capstone students a, resources for methodology and alignment, and a list of links to various university sources useful during this phase of degree completion.