What Does It Mean?
Next, students should focus on writing up the results of the study. This includes discussing the substantive meaning of the data and the student’s interpretation of it, the synthesis of the findings with existing literature, and the overall study conclusions.
Writing Center Resources
- The Writing Center Introduce, Conclude, and Write the Abstract for Your Study Webinar contains information on writing other parts of the study as well, but the part focused on the conclusion will help students plan to write this portion of the study.
- Tips for Completing the Dissertation blog post.
- A Book Review on Simon and Goes’s (2013) Dissertation and Scholarly Research: Recipes for Success.
- The final study also includes the final abstract, the overall summary of all key elements of the study, which has specific writing and APA requirements all its own. This should be a single page (within the confines of the specified margins) and belongs at the beginning of the manuscript among the title pages. The Writing Center offers a webinar on Successfully Writing Doctoral Capstone Abstracts.
Walden Resources
- ORDS presents information and resources for students writing the abstract. Students at this stage should review the page for abstract guidelines, an abstract primer, and a video on building the abstract.
- The Academic Skills Center (ASC) website offers support for SPSS and NVivo as well as general statistics tutoring.
- ASC also offers MS Word support, including tutorials and tutoring/support via appointment.