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Introduction to the Walden University Library

This page will assist you in locating the Walden Library, discovering Library resources, and finding Library assistance. There are several ways to access the Library and plenty of Library resources to explore. If at any point should you need further assistance using the Library or its resources, you can contact the Library by e-mail or phone. All of these topics will be covered below.

Ways to access the Walden Library

You can access the Library through a few different locations:

  • Web Address (URL): The Walden Library is freely accessible online.

 Type our address into your Internet browser: 

 Tip: Be sure to bookmark our web address in your browser. Learn how to create bookmarks with the guidelines provided by the Firefox or Google Chrome internet browsers.

 Use the Walden Library Home link on the Academics tab, under Research & Resources.


  • Classroom  

Look under Walden Links in the left column. There will be a link to the Walden Library listed with other services available at Walden University. 

Resources available in the Walden Library

The Walden University Library contains a vast quantity of online research materials. We carefully select databases of books, journals, dissertations, videos, and more to support the scholarly needs of the Walden community. All resources through the Walden Library are online and digital only. A short list of links to resources and guides are provided below:

Assistance available in the Walden Library

Using the links below, you can get assistance in the Library from Walden Librarians, our Help & Guides pages, and Quick Answers. 

Ask a Librarian

Librarians can help you navigate the databases, develop search strategies, find reliable, scholarly sources, and more. Call or email the Walden Librarians and get an answer to your question. The Walden Library is open 7 days a week. Please check our Hours & Holidays Page for availability. 

Help & Guides

Find guides and tutorials to help you use the Walden Library and other research resources. We also have a collection of archived webinars on a variety of research topics.

Quick Answers

Quick Answers is a searchable database of frequently asked questions pulled from staff and student suggestions. While we hope you are able to find the information you are looking for on your first search, we know that not every student’s question will already be answered. Quick Answers is located in the center of the home page of the Walden Library. Please see the example Quick Answers box below.

Quick Answers

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