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Week 1: Brainstorm and Organize Your Paper

Welcome to the first week of your course!

For your application assignment, you must write a 4-5-page paper focusing on a significant clinical problem. Having trouble choosing a topic and getting started? Follow these suggestions:

  • Use a pre-formatted template. Go to the Writing Center and download the School of Nursing Sample Paper Template. Save it to your computer and then replace the current text (including the headings) with your own; the title page, running head, page numbers, and margin formatting are already done for you. You can use this template to start each application assignment.
  • Download the NURS 4000 Week 1 Application Rubric from the Course Info area of Blackboard. Keep it handy to ensure you are hitting the required components and using the correct headings. This rubric can act as an outline for the paper.
  • Brainstorm a problem that you have witnessed at your health care institution. You will be more engaged and write more effectively if you are genuinely interested in the issue you’ve chosen.
  • Build your paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on one idea. This idea is expressed in a topic sentence, usually at the beginning. Add supporting details and analysis to develop and clarify that idea.