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Industry Profiles in Business Source Complete

The Business Source Complete database contains reports on many different industries. Follow these steps to start searching for industry reports:

  1. Access Business Source Complete. (How do I find a specific database?)
  2. Type the name of an industry in the first search box.

    For example:


  3. Below the search fields, under the Publication Type filter menu, click on Industry Profile.

  4. Click Search


Industry Trends and Forecasts in ABI/INFORM Complete

You can find reports that contain information about trends and forecasts for specific industries in the ABI/INFORM Complete database. 

Here are step-by-step instructions that show how to find industry profiles in ABI/INFORM Complete:

  1. Access ABI/INFORM Complete. (How do I find a specific database?)
  2. Type the name of a public industry in the first search box.

    For example, try the following industry:

    Airline industry

  3. 3. Below the search fields, under the Document type filter menu, click on Industry Report.

  4.  Click Search

Further Reading: Business Research Guides