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EdD Search Strategy Description Sample

In the example below, notes follow some of the paragraphs. Highlighted sentences are for emphasis only (do not highlight sentences in your study).

Excerpt From Section 1: The Problem of an EdD Project Study

Literature Search Strategy

I searched several databases to obtain current literature on the topics included in the literature review. These databases and resources included GoogleScholar, ERIC, PsychLit, EdLit, EBSCOhost, JSTOR, Proquest Multisearch, and the Walden University Library. The reviews made were directly linked to the dropout problem in schools and how credit recovery process can solve the issue. The inclusion criteria entailed all articles: (a) Published only in the English language; (b) peer reviewed; (c) in full text; and (d) published between 2012 and 2016. The exclusion criteria entailed studies that were not published in English and articles that were not available in full text. I used the following key words to search for the literature on the topics included in the literature search: high school dropouts and graduation rates, alternative programs for at-risk students, alternative education and graduation rates, dropout rates, technology, distance education, online learning, blended learning, virtual schools, and credit recovery. The literature search generated 40 journals published since 2011, and I selected 25 articles for use in this literature review that met the set criteria.

The third sentence in the previous paragraph includes helpful information about the focus of articles and why they were selected for inclusion in the review.
In the fourth sentence, the author also provides a thorough and to-the-point overview of inclusion and exclusion criteria.
In the fifth sentence, the author lists the exact keywords searched, which is helpful to readers and to other researchers who may be interested in conducting similar research or replicating your search.