DBA Search Strategy Description Sample B
In the example below, notes follow the second paragraph.
From Section 1: Foundation of the Study of a DBA Doctoral Study
A Review of the Professional and Academic Literature
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the strategies healthcare small business owners and managers use to sustain their businesses beyond 5 years. Extensive research based on sustainability theories might help researchers understand strategies small business owners use to support their businesses. Information exists on business sustainability (Akaeze, 2016; Sirilarbanan, 2017); however, scholars have reported a dearth of literature on effective strategies for small business sustainability (Edgeman & Williams, 2014). Notwithstanding that small businesses serve as channels for innovations, technological advancement, and economic growth, few researchers have focused on small business sustainability (Bayani & Crisanto, 2017; Galindo & Mendez- Picazo, 2013; Omri, Frikha, & Bouraoui, 2015). The focus of this study was to address this gap in literature by exploring small business sustainability strategies.
The organization of this literature review includes the fundamental concept of sustainability, sustainable business, sustainable development, sustainable transformative business model, small business strategies, small business performance, and small business sustainability. To find relevant literature, I used the Walden University online library. The databases used included business and management databases such as Business Source Complete, as well as ABI/Inform Complete, EBSCOhost, SAGE Premier, and information and technology databases. In addition, I used a collection of peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations, and textbooks to strengthen the literature review. The key search words and phrases used when searching the databases included small business owners, sustainable business, sustainable development, and sustainable transformative business model. The literature review contains 120 references consisting of 107 peer-reviewed journals, eight articles, two books, and three dissertations. One hundred and eight, or 90%, of referenced sources were published within 5 years from my expected completion date of my study, and 12, or 10% of references were published more than 5 years from my anticipated graduation date.
In the first sentence of the previous paragraph, the author provides a clear overview of topics covered in the literature review.
In the second sentence of the previous paragraph, the author notes the library used.
In the third sentence of the previous paragraph, the author notes the databases searched.
In the fifth sentence of the previous paragraph, the author includes key words to provide specific information about the search.
In the sixth sentence of the previous paragraph, the author includes the number of sources in the review to provide helpful context for readers.
In the final sentence of the previous paragraph, the author also includes other information requested by the DBA program.