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DNP Search Strategy Description Sample A

In the example below, notes follow some of the paragraphs. Highlighted sentences are for emphasis only (do not highlight sentences in your study).

From Section 2: Background and Context of a DNP Project Study (Development of a Scope of Practice)

The practice focused question I sought to answer in this project study was, What is the scope of practice of the nurse practitioner in MIAM in California? There is much evidence showing that MIAM is a relatively new field without a clearly defined scope of practice. It also shows the importance of having a clearly defined scope of practice (Goh, 2009).

I used a variety of data bases in researching and developing my project. These include EBSCOhost and CINAHL. The key words searched were nurse practitioner scope of practice, MIAM, botox, botulinum toxin, dermal filler, evidence-based aesthetic, scope of practice barriers, full implementation scope of practice, lasers skin, complications botulinum toxin, adverse botulinum toxin, aesthetic dermatology, nurse aesthetic autonomy, medspa, medical spa, injectables, and minimally invasive plastic. I identified three themes in conducting these searches and reviewing the literature: the status of MIAM as a relatively new field, lack of structured training and accreditation, and lack of a clearly defined scope of practice.

Note the third sentence in the previous paragraph. Inclusion of keywords used to search the databases is helpful to readers as well as other researchers.
Note the last sentence in the previous paragraph. The author nicely synthesizes key learning from the literature review.