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APA Scavenger Hunt Answer Key

Reference Entries

  1. Answer:

    American Federation of Teachers. (n.d.). Community schools.

  2. Answer:

    McCracken, K., & Phillips, D. A. (2012). Global health: An introduction to current and future trends. Routledge.

  3. Answer:

    Steward, M. (2005). Electronic medical records. Journal of Legal Medicine, 26(4), 491–506.

    To find the doi for this article, you will first look for this information with the other publication information for the article. If the doi number is not listed, search the article in’s database, which has a free DOI lookup, here:
  4. Answer:

    Walden University. (n.d.). Management techniques: Helping employees succeed [Video]. In Theory and Practice in Corporate Management. Walden University Blackboard.

  5. Practice adding a hanging indent to a previous paper or a draft you are currently writing. If you are using one of our templates, look for the APA Reference style tag to format your references with a hanging indent. You can also use the keyboard shortcut, CTRL-T (or Option-T).


  1. Answer:
    • …(Staw, 2000).
    • According to Staw (2000)…
  2. Answer:
    • Maynard et al. (2012) noted that “psychological empowerment has been operationalized within the literature” (p. 1263).
    • Within the field of management, specifically the area of management theory, “psychological empowerment has been operationalized within the literature” (Maynard et al., 2012, p. 1236).
  3. Answer:
    • (Lange et al., p. 11)
    • (Lange et al., 2009, p. 8)


  1. Templates are available on our website: Walden Templates.
  2. Answer

    Mentorship and Leadership Practices of Nursing Faculty

    Nursing Faculty Job Satisfaction

    Nursing Mentorships

    Formal Mentoring

    Informal Mentoring

    Barriers to Mentoring

    Empowering Mentorship



  3. Answer:
    1. Capitalization:
      • Bandura’s social learning theory incorporates modeling as one of its foundations.
    2. Numbers:
      • The manager surveyed three of his employees, asking that they respond within 2 days.
    3. Serial commas:
      • Based on these theories, instruments, and variables, I was able to pose specific research questions.

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