Per APA 7, Section 6.32, use numerals to express numbers 10 or above (e.g., 11, 23, 256). Per Section 6.33, write out numbers as words to express numbers up to nine (e.g., three, seven, eight).
Take the APA Style Diagnostic Quiz to test your knowledge.
Use words to express numbers in these situations:
Seventeen computer programmers went out to dinner last night
The principal presented awards to three fourths of the student body.
(This is a new rule in APA 7. APA 6 recommended using numerals in the abstract.)
Use numerals to express numbers in these situations:
She had been a nurse for 3 years.
Chapter 4 was considered required reading.
The student scored a perfect 7.
Each post was roughly 2.45 ft apart.
Teachers gave students ice cream if they scored in the top 5%.
You owe me $5.
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