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Social networking policy

Social networking software definition

Social software to which this policy refers includes any social networking site or software (e.g., Facebook, blogs, etc.) where the Library has an account, and through which the Library currently aims to share information about Library-related subjects.

Goal of use

The Walden University Library uses social media as a way to promote information literacy and lifelong learning to current, former, and potential students, staff, and faculty. To do so, the Library will share news items of interest, links, or longer articles summarizing events or opinions. The focus will typically be on the Walden University Library, all libraries, information literacy, research and research ethics, the World Wide Web, information technology, and higher education. The Library will also share world events or holidays, provided that said posts would not be offensive to any protected class, and would both inform and entertain. Social media informs users quickly and educates the community while promoting the Library as a source of interesting and understandable information that will make current students, staff, and faculty recognize the Library as a good source of information and assistance.

User privacy

It is the policy of the Walden University Library that the privacy of all users will be respected in compliance with federal and state laws. See the Walden University Privacy Policy for additional privacy information:

Only users who have shown consent to receive communication via social networking sites by "liking," "friending," creating an alert to new content, leaving a comment, or otherwise initiating communication will be contacted by the Library through that site.

Library liability

Walden University Library is not responsible or liable for content posted by subscribers or third parties in comment sections, forums, message boards, or other social networking sites. Users who subscribe to external social networking sites (such as Facebook) do so at their own risk and responsibility for sharing personally identifying information through those sites.


Comments on social networking sites are open to all but are moderated by Library staff. Comments should be relevant to the specific post they are attached to. Spam, flaming, personal attacks, and off-topic comments are not permitted. The Walden University Library reserves the right to remove any comment or disable all comments if necessary. Walden student, faculty, and staff comments should also be complaint with the student Code of Conduct and the employee handbook.


Please contact the Library at with questions about this use policy.