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Dissertations and theses lending policy

The Walden University Library lends Walden-produced dissertations to other libraries at no charge. When a digital copy is available, the Walden University Library emails it to the requesting library. All requests must be mediated through the institution's borrowing office or an authorized librarian. The copy may not be posted on the Web (with the exception of the library's secure site for retrieval purposes), copied. or distributed in any way by the library or the requester. The following copyright statement will be included on the message that goes out with the material to the requesting library:

Please note, this copy of the dissertation is not intended to be "used for any purposes other than private study, scholarship, or research." Any other use is a violation of the copyright law of the United States (Title 17. United States Code).

Older dissertations not held in digital format may be unavailable for interlibrary loan.

Dissertation borrowing instructions for librarians

Walden dissertations are available to patrons of other libraries through interlibrary loan, at no cost to the borrower. All requests must be mediated through your institution's borrowing office or an authorized librarian.

Borrowing libraries should submit dissertation requests via email to:

Please include the complete citation in your message.  Author, title, and year are required.  If you have a transaction number or patron name you would like referenced, please include that as well.

Please note:

  • Walden dissertations are available in electronic format only (PDF) via email.  We do not lend hard copies, nor do we send by fax or ariel.
  • Walden dissertations, 2015 to present, are available in ScholarWorks.
  • Some titles prior to 1995 may not be available.
  • Walden dissertations are not intended to be "used for any purposes other than private study, scholarship, or research." Any other use is a violation of the copyright law of the United States (Title 17. United States Code).   Patrons may retain a copy of a PDF for their personal use but may not redistribute